It's Nothing

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This story contains themes of self-harm some readers might find triggering or upsetting.

🚫TRIGGER WARNING🚫 This story contains themes of self-harm some readers might find triggering or upsetting

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Sarah discovers the reader has been self-harming.

(y/n)- your name
(h/c) - hair colour

"Not this one!" Sarah shouts, taking the floral skirt off and flinging it at you.

It wasn't really your style either, you laugh as you drag it off your head.

"Thanks for that, again."

She turns her head to look at you, biting her bottom lip, "you have to admit that was a good shot."

You shake your head before you start folding all the crumpled clothes on the bed and the floor which Sarah had thrown at you.

She'd asked you round to try and help her pick out some outfits for an upcoming photoshoot she had.

The magazine had sent all the outfit choices to her house - you'd never seen so many clothes in one room before, except in a shop.

Sarah notices what you're doing.
"You don't have to fold them all-" she chuckles, "-they just go back on the hangers and they get steamed when they're sent back."

You put down the trousers you've just folded.

"Oh well excuse me!
Sorry I'm not used to how all this celebrity stuff works," you joke, as you pull a face - causing yet another item of clothing to be thrown at your head.

"You said you'd try these on with me!"

You pull another face, "are you kidding? They won't fit me."

You weren't that confident about your body, although you definitley thought you were bigger than you actually were.
You and Sarah were a similar size in clothes but had different body shapes.

She waves a slender finger at you, "oh no, don't give me that face missy.
Get up, c'mon. You promised me!"

Reluctantly, you walk over to one of the rails full of outfits and flick through them as if you know what you're looking for.

You land on a black suit with velvet trim.
Sarah smiles, "black, of course! That will look cute."

Feeling self-concious, you hold yourself awkwardly as you try to wriggle out of you jeans whilst standing up.

"Sit down by me and take those off. What are you doing?"

You both burst into laughter as you sit down on the bed next to her.

"I don't like my body," you say softly, holding an arm across your right thigh.
Although you knew that wasn't the only reason you were hiding it.

"You're beautiful! Look don't make this weird," Sarah smirks, grabbing your arm.


She lets go of your arm in shock as you jump up - exposing exactly what you had been keeping hidden.

Sarah stares for a moment, frozen.
She's looking right at two large scars that start from about the middle of your leg and drag right round to your inner thigh.
They're healed but still pinkish in colour and raised due to how deep the original cuts had been.

She continues to sit there, her eyes going from the scars and back to your face  again.
Her mouth still gaping open.

"Sweetheart, I-I'm sorry-"

You grab your clothes and go to make a quick exit but Sarah manages to grab your wrist before you can escape.

"Please (y/n) don't leave.
We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We can do whatever you want, just stay. Please."

Her brown eyes look up at you, filled with sadness.
For once you can't even cry, you just stand there feeling slightly numb and embaressed.

"Here, sit with me."

Sarah fumbles around the bed, through all the discarded clothes and grabs the fluffy blanket off the bed, throwing it over you.

She puts one arm all the way round you and the other one she uses to pull your head in towards her shoulder.

You pull the blanket up over you and put an arm round her.
There's almost a sense of relief that she knows you've cut yourself.
You'd felt bad lying or making excuses to her in the past to hide your scars.
But you're not ready to talk about it, not yet.

You just want to sit with Sarah and shut everyone else out.
She places a kiss on top of your head and starts stroking your (h/c) hair.

"I've got you (y/n). I love you."

You feel your eyes become heavy as they start to shut.

Sarah places all the clothes in piles on the floor and prompts you to get underneath the quilt with her.

She sets her phone alarm for an hour before lying down on her back, pulling the blanket back up over you as you rest your head on her chest.

You both lie together in silence for a while, before drifting off to sleep.

SARAH PAULSON|♡|Mental Health X-readers Where stories live. Discover now