Chapter 1-The Princess And The Delinquent

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Amy's POV

First day of school, it is junior year. Of course, I am already for the day. It is 7:30 am, I had my breakfast, my morning workout and my school supplies are already packed.

My phone vibrates on the counter. I strut over to it and pick it up only to find a message from one of my best friends, Rouge!

Rouge: Do you think I can grab a bite to eat at your place please?

I can't blame the poor girl; my cooking is fantastic. But she will have to make food herself because I already ate and there is nothing left except some banana and strawberry smoothie I made as a beverage.

Me: Sure, I only have a smoothie left

Blaze: I'm coming over.

I snort reading Blaze's message. The first time I made her a smoothie she was hooked. Every time I make her a smoothie, she is more than willing to drink it.

Maria: What smoothie??

Me: Strawberry and banana

Maria: Ooh! I'm coming too!

I set my phone on the counter and sigh. Looks like I'm driving them all to school today, not that it matters. Blaze, Rouge and Maria are my best friends and if they need a ride, I can give it to them without a problem.

We didn't really get to see each other during the summer because many of us did some travelling over the summer break. But now that summer is over, it's great to see my best friends again.

-Some Time Later-

Ding Dong!

Ecstasy builds up in me and a growing grin spreads on my face wider as I rush to the door. I swing the door open with all force revealing my best friends. We all squeal and hug each other as we jump around laughing in each other's embrace.

Once we're all in the kitchen everyone is chatting it up with a smoothie in their hands. I had to make more in the end but I don't mind. Rouge, Blaze, Maria and I all have a groupchat we used to catch up with each other but it's still not the same, finally seeing them in person is much better. Right now, Rouge is babbling about her shopping trip in the foreign country she was in during the summer.

"That's not fair! Why is Chanel ten times cheaper over there?" Maria whined.

"All the places I went to, Prada was somewhat more expensive," Blaze inputted.

"Hold up ladies. Wait until I tell you about my love life over there, I met a boy," Rouge stated, the prices of our favourite brands dissolved from out minds once Rouge spoke up again. Rouge met a boy on her trip? That sly woman! We all lean in closer to hear more of the details.

"Good morning ladies," My mother strutted into the kitchen in her robe and silk slippers.

"Good morning Mrs. Rose," All my friends say simultaneously. Her hair is tied up into a messy bun but she still looks as refined and graceful as ever. I look up to my mother, she's a sophisticated woman who works hard and I want to be that. Of course, I work hard too but my mom doesn't stop. Both my parents expect the best from me so I'm going to mimic their attitude, since they are the best.

"You ladies look cute today," She commented as she starts to make up a bowl of fruit. Everyone said their 'thank yous' as I hear more footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Good morning ladies!" My father bellowed once he was down the stairs.

"Good morning Mr. Rose!" My friends chanted. I rolled my eyes at them, they had the same energy for my mother but I feel awkward with my friends talking to my dad. Why is that? Oh. Because they think he is hot. I have to give it to them; my parents do look young and they do look like movie stars but I cannot look at my friends the same way when they are around my father ever since the night we had a sleepover and they told me my father looked hot. Gross. It doesn't matter how attractive any of your parents are, if you hear your friends talk about them that way, it is not okay.

"How are you doing cupcake?" Father asks and moves his attention so it is directed at me.

"Great dad," I reply. Daddy is already in his business attire and is all cleaned up, unlike mother.

"Ready to take on the school, sweetheart?" Mother asks.

"You know it," I say feeling determination rise in me already with a bright smile.

"I'm so proud of you," Daddy gave me a warm genuine smile, I could see a twinkle in his eyes confirming his statement. Like mother, father wants me to do my best too. Last year I got honour roll once again, my parents weren't surprised because they already know I'm a straight-A student, but they love to see me achieve my goals, they had to throw a celebration. It takes a little strict parenting and self control but they just want the best for me. I do my best for them. I feel happy making them happy. I want to be successful like them when I grow up. But what I will never tell them is that despite all my success, I don't feel happy.

There is something missing, I feel like such a spoiled brat. My parents give me everything. What could I want? I am happy but it is getting harder to ignore the fact that something is missing and it feels weird. Validation from my parents used to be enough but lately it's not like that. Whatever, that just means I have to try harder to impress them.

"Oh, stop it. It's 7:55 in the morning Harold! No need to get sappy," My mother commented as she made her way to the table.

"Hey, I'm just proud of my little girl okay?" He defended. Mother scoffed but sent a friendly smile my way.

-Third Person's Perspective-

Amy parked her silver Mercedes Benz perfectly in the school parking lot.

"One of the benefits of driving with Amy," Rouge began as she came out her friend's car with a pink smoothie still in her hand, "Is the student body parking space." She finished with a grin. The rest of the girls came out the car.

Amy is the student body president of Chaos High, and all student council members get the luxury of a reserved parking space, which means Amy does not have to search around for good parking for long.

Amy looked at her silver Gucci watch.

"Guys, we need to head in now," She announced to her friends, they nodded their heads.

"Alright, alright, let's go in," Blaze said.

-In Math Class-

Amy was so focused on her work, she didn't even notice a certain hedgehog come in ten minutes late. Nevertheless, he trotted past her to the back of the classroom.

"Um, excuse me sir," The teacher called out to him.

"What's up?" The hedgehog replied coolly. He gathered some student's attention from his choice of words.

"You're late," The teacher spat.

"Okay," He replied as if it was nothing, because it was nothing to him. Everyone else was on time except this student, so the teacher already knew who it was from attendance.

"I will not tolerate lateness, Shadow," The teacher added with a bit more anger in his tone.

"Okay," The hedgehog replied, unaffected.

"Because of your tardiness, you have disrupted this class," The teacher went on.

"Sir, you could have easily continued the class and talked to me later. The only one disrupting the class is you, sir. Don't you think you're being unfair to your other students if you're robbing them of their class time to focus on poor ol' me?" Shadow said with a hand on his chest, his voice laced with sarcasm and fake concern along with a mocking grin. Shadow knew he would have fun in this class. At this, Amy turned around and gave him a disgusted look. All the students were looking at Shadow with shock.

Ew, she thought to herself.

Shadow noticed Amy's glare from the other side of the room. He didn't like the scorned look on her face.

Who is this chick? He thought to himself.

The teacher continued the lesson.

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