Chapter 3-New Boy

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-Amy's POV-

It is the next day at school. And I am already busy. The student council meeting will be this Friday to discuss some more school activities for the school that we haven't talked about last year before the summer. Also, rearranging the schedule and so on. And that is also the day I present my idea for the charity dance or picnic or barbeque. It is still undecided but the school loves it when there are planned events like these and I like giving to the less fortunate, so to make this fun for everyone we're having a school event in about less than two weeks or so. It's beneficial to the school and the poor.

"He's so hot!" I hear a voice squeal. Who's so hot? I am sitting in the cafeteria planning my charity event (I am looking for Rouge and Maria) and I don't normally eavesdrop but even I like a little bit of boy talk here and there too.

"Did you see him drive on his motorcycle this morning? I did," Another girl gushed. I turned my head towards her now. It's just two younger students talking about some guy, who is probably older than them since none of them are old enough for a licence now anyways. Who is this guy they are talking about? He is obviously older than them so they have no chance and I have never seen a guy with a motorcycle before. Unless he's a teacher this boy is around my age and good looking. And I haven't seen him before? Now I'm really going to pay attention to this conversation.

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend,"

"Girlfriend or not, he is one good looking hedgehog,"

"I know right, Shadow is so hot,"

Ew. So, they are talking about Shadow. As my interest fades away my expression turns sour and my stomach churns, I turn away from the young girls. Over all the actually decent people in the school they are gushing over Shadow? That guy is annoying. I guess I really can't blame them, they are young and one day they will grow up and see boys like Shadow really are useless. In fact, I remember when I was as young as them and would fantasize over whatever boy I found attractive whether it was a celebrity or a cute boy who stayed out of trouble and respected the teachers.

It's not that Shadow is unattractive. Let me rephrase that. It's not like Shadow is ugly. He does have good looks as the girls said. There is no doubt about that. But he disrespected his teacher who he doesn't even know for no reason and tried to spray paint the school. So, his personality is ugly. And I don't like him.

I really need to walk around, I don't want to hear anymore of this conversation.

I get up from my seat and go search for Blaze. She should be around here somewhere, she got a ride to school from somebody else and I saw her go in the music room and leave the math room this morning. I will find Rouge and Maria at lunch.

Finally, I spotted the lavender cat looking at the pinboard in the school.

"Hey Blaze!" I smile as I approach her, she turns her attention from the pin board and offers me a smile.

"Hey Amy!" Blaze takes three more steps closer to me.

"How did your classes yesterday go?" And with that question we started walking around.

"Ah it was fine, physics was a pain but computer science was fun!" She converses while walking in sync.

"And how are things with you and Silver?" I couldn't just not ask the question. It is so obvious and cute that Silver likes her so much, but Blaze is holding it off because she is slowly recovering from a bad breakup she is still getting over. I can't blame the poor girl. She's okay now but she just doesn't want to get in another relationship right now.

Blaze notices the cocky grin on my face and playfully rolls her eyes.

"He's in my English class. He almost fell asleep in class. On the second day! He's such a dork," She snickers to herself.

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