Chapter Six - A Delinquent's Rival

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Hey guys glad you like the story so far. Don't forget to comment and vote. Here's another chapter, hope you like it. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV-

Another day at school. It is just the beginning of the day and I already get to see Knuckles beauty of a ride.

His red Mustang.

Suits him.

Sonic, Silver and I and a new friend named Manic are all just around Knuckle's car, not doing much as the breeze passes us in a calm manner.

"So, I know school barely started...but I think Mr. Wesley hates me," Manic changes the subject to whatever it was on at first.

"Like all your teachers," Sonic replies.

"And I think he's going to fail me," Manic finishes.

"Dude, Psychology is easy, just take notes and read them. That's all you have to do," Knuckles states.

"But that's too hard!" Manic whines.

"Incoming," Silver mutters before he elbows Knuckles. The whole group narrows their attention to the 'incoming'. I see Rouge the bat approaching us.


I roll my eyes.

Not because of Rouge, but because she is Kncukles' crush that he is so crazy about. And once he goes on about her, he won't stop. It's annoying as hell.

"If one of you embarrass me, I swear to—hey Rouge!" Knuckles greets Rouge too cheerily after muttering an almost threat to us through his teeth.

Rouge doesn't seem to notice his change in demeaner.

"Hey Knuckie," She greets back.

Rouge scans the group, her eyes stopping on me for a second longer but then she continues to resume looking at the group.

"Hey boys," She greets us too. We all mumble our hello's back to her.

I have not talked to Rouge before but I don't think she hates me; she hasn't given me any cold looks like the way a certain princess hedgehog does so she might be okay with me.

Unless she's really good at hiding her hate.

After our rounds of acknowledgement Rouge returns her attention to her not exactly very secret admirer.

"I thought I would find you here," Rouge tells him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, how are you?" She questions.

"Me? Oh.. I'm fine," Knuckles lamely answers.

"You seemed out of it during class yesterday, the notes you sent me don't make sense?" Rouge continues.

"I was too tired to copy down some notes babe, I tried my best," Knuckles reasons.

"I got better ones from Sally, I'll send them to you later," She tells him. Knuckles nods and Rouge turns to us.

"So, what's up with you guys?" She asks. Silver opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Manic's unnecessary wailing.

"Mr. Wesley is trying to fail me!"

Rouge merely chuckles at Manic's misfortune.

"The psycology teacher?"

"Rouge, you don't get it. That dude hates me," He responds.

"What did you do?"


"You did something to piss him off didn't you?"

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