Chapter Nine - A Confrontation.

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-Shadow's POV-

It was early in the morning. My alarm didn't wake me up. I probably didn't put on the stupid thing last night in the first place. Still, the sun peaks through my blinds letting the light into the room. The sun is still in a rising position and outside is still mostly cool and blue except for the spots of the sky around the Sun, which is mixed with gold, pink white, and blue. The other side of the sky becoming lighter by the minute.

I sit up and stretch. I love looking at the sky, it really is a beautiful sight.

But if I don't hurry up and get out of here soon, I know my parents will personally make me pay.

So out of bed I go and straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

After leaving the bathroom I hear my phone chime. Twice.

Okay, 'who the hell has the balls to message me so early in the morning', is the question.

Still feeling a bit disgruntled, I walk over to my phone, disconnect it and read the messages.

Silver: Have any of y'all did the Math homework?

Sonic: Seriously, Silver?

I snort a bit at their messages.

I'm not in the same math class as Sonic and Silver but we have the same teacher which obviously means the same homework. And, Sonic is obviously a bit of a grouch in the morning, just like how I am.

Silver: Please?

Knuckles: I'm not even in the same class as you, why are you texting me?

Maybe we're all grouches in the morning, except Silver.


Spoke too soon.


Sonic: Why are you so loud...shut up.

Manic: ...we are texting in a groupchat, sir.

Yes, the boys and I have made a groupchat. Or it seems the groupchat has been made before I got there and now, I am accepted too because they like me or something.

Sonic: Manic is right Silver, why didn't you do it last night?

Silver: I was busy!

Knuckles: Busy texting Blaze probably

Silver: At least I actually make an effort to talk to her!

Silver: Can't say the same for you and Rouge!

Knuckles: WhaT is that SuPposEd To mEan SIR?

Silver: Sonic! The HW! Please!

Sonic: okay, okay wait smh.

Knuckles: And seriously, why couldn't you text the people in your class instead of messaging the whole groupchat?

Silver: Shut up

Shadow: Good morning, dweebs.

I decide to finally grace the groupchat with my presence.

Manic: Yo, Shadow! What's up?

Shadow: Nothing much, lol. The sky lol

I roll my eyes at my lame response and head over to find something to wear in my closet. I don't think there is anything special happening today, so there's no point in putting too much effort in it today.

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