Chapter Eight - Burger Joint

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Hey so that last chapter took awhile to come up. Sorry guys. But thank you all for sticking around. Chapter six has a picture there in case you have not noticed it before. Thank you all so much again. I love y'all. Enjoy!

-Two Days Later-

-Amy's POV-

Even though the long and busy weeks I had are over I am currently in a mess right now as I look around for Shadow. Why? Well because the teacher made us partners to analyze a poem but we never got to it.

Now listen.

I take so much pride for being a responsible student and I am normally one to not make excuses for stuff (well sometimes at least) but I swear on my favourite Michael Kors bag that it wasn't all my fault.

What kept happening for the poem homework being delayed might you ask? Here are a list of reasons on my part.

One: I had a long week – I had to plan that barbecue and even though I had planned it for so long during the week of the barbecue the whole student council and planning committee (especially myself obviously) had went into full high gear mode.

Two: Shadow kept delaying the work and would blow me off whenever I wanted to work on it – we had no time to work on it in class and even though I am actually okay with Shadow now and he seems okay with me he didn't really want to spend his lunch doing school work. Which is a bonus for me because I don't know what I would do if he chose to flirt with me in a secluded space.

Three: I have extracurriculars.

Four: I didn't really want Shadow's contact on my phone.

Five: Whenever Shadow promised we would work on it later, he would delay it again and promise to work on it later and the cycle would continue.

Well it is ten minutes before school starts and even though English is not our first period together it is going to come soon. And the homework needs to be done today.

We read the poem and discussed it but we did not do much about it.

And now I'm frantically running around the whole school looking for Shadow so we can finally come to an agreement over this dumb poem that could have been done in ten minutes so we can move on with our lives and I don't have to lose my patience over this miniature piece of homework.

There he is!

"Shadow!" His head immediately snapped at me the second I called out his name.

"Shadow!" I grunt through gritted teeth as I start to storm towards him.

"Princess," He says delightfully as he also makes his own way towards me.

"We didn't do the poem," I remind him once we stop in front of each other.

Shadow's face remains blank before it contours up into a puzzled look which tells me that he is searching with his mind right now, what poem I'm exactly talking about.

How Shadow got into a high class like this is beyond me.

"The poem our teacher gave us! Remember 'Hedgehogs in the field'?" I start to pull out the poem from my backpack and hold it out in front of him. He immediately snatches it and gives it a look over. Suddenly Shadow summoned back up his memory and the look of astonishment on his face seems to be the evidence of that.

"Aw man... it's due today, too," He grumbles.

"What do we do?" I ask him. I glance at my watch and Shadow glances at the big clock at the school wall. We have seven minutes.

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