Chapter Five - New Home

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Hey guys! How are you enjoying the story so far! I hope you guys like it and I am glad if you do, you guys are in for some crazy relationship drama soon. But it's romantic and cute and there is a lot of character development in this book. Don't forget to vote and comment. Here's chapter five. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

It's been a few days since school started. And I think I finally settled in enough to not feel so overwhelmed with my schedule. If I manage a few things, I can hang out with my friends soon. I miss my friends. It's been a long summer break without them, and they don't like coming to school too early all the time unlike me and after school everyone has extra curriculars to attend to. And when we don't have extra curriculars to attend to, I rush home and do my homework. As much as I miss them, I cannot allow myself to fall apart again.

"I heard he's been to juvie!" A girl who whispered a bit too loudly to her friend, had said. She is talking about Shadow. It's so obvious. That boy is still the talk of the school. Still very popular.

Me on the other hand, I still despise him. He's rude and inconsiderate. But we haven't communicated much since that day we literally bumped into each other. So, as long as he behaves himself and stays out of my way, I will do him the favour of doing the same.

-Math class-

On the first day of school, after my first encounter with Shadow he decided to purposely displease me by sitting next to me in English class. He did so by glaring at the kid already sitting next to me and took his spot. Well he did the same thing to the poor boy sitting next to me in math class the day right after. No words were exchanged, he just glared at him and the kid booked it all the way to the back corner of the classroom. Then Shadow plopped right next to me without a word, much to my dismay.

But what I don't understand about it is that he's still here.

Beside me.

It's been days since school started and I expected him to switch it up by now but he didn't. But I will let it slide I guess...

"Here are your quizzes back everyone," The math teacher announces whilst passing around our quizzes. There were a lot of mixed reactions from students. Some were happy or satisfied and others were distraught or skeptical. This is our first quiz of this class, it wasn't too hard but we're still getting used to this teacher's style so we didn't know what to really expect.

Once he handed me back my quiz, I scan the paper to see a 70% at the top. Not bad. But could be better. This is possibly because I've been so worked up with my business management course because Ms. Oka never lets any of her students catch a break when it comes to homework.

Luckily for me I'm already an overachiever and I can handle whatever Ms. Oka throws at me and more. So in conclusion, less time on business and more time on math.

When I peek at Shadow's quiz—because let's be honest we all get a bit nosy sometimes—I am shocked to see an 82? As in 82%? Right at the top of his sheet?

What? How? Why?

I know I can't judge a book by it's cover, but seeing this kid get a higher mark than me really crumbles my ego.

How many questions did I get wrong to deserve a 70 in the first place? I pick up my paper and began to search and count the marks I got on each question, also looking for notes the teacher has left.

I am so spending less time on business studies now.

-Lunch Time-

"What's wrong with you, Amy? You seem really quiet," Maria noted. Leave it to my observant best friend to question my sulking any day. We are sitting at our usual table outside. It's a beautiful day.

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