Chapter 4-Disrespected

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-Shadow's POV-

Ahh. The second day of school was a breeze. It was for me at least.

I caught a lot of beautiful ladies' attention.

My teachers didn't ruin my fun.

And I made some friends.

Speaking of friends, I am at one of their houses right now. Sonic's house that is. And the whole gang is with us. Just me, Sonic, Knuckles and Silver.

"This dude is totally a hacker, I can feel it," Sonic mutters to himself as he pushes the buttons on his game controller, eyes glued to the screen.

"So Shadow, how has your day been coming along? You've gotten pretty popular, pretty fast," Silver notes. Oh yes I have. It's great to have such a charming personality.

I turn my head to look over my shoulder, whilst smiling smugly at the silver hedgehog sitting upside down on Sonic's brownish basement couch.

"It's been going good, my brother. I got no complaints yet," I tell them truthfully, as I shift my position to have my hands keeping my body propped up and supporting my upper weight.

"You won't. The teachers may give you a hard time here and there, sometimes, but this school is in good hands," Knuckles says from beside Sonic, who is seated in front of me. He looks at me while he is talking.

"And it's all thanks to Amy," Sonic says cheerfully with a smile on his face.

"What could we do without that pink hedgehog?" Silver says from behind. I pause for a moment to think.

"Excuse me?" I say, waiting for an explanation.

They're talking about Princess right? So, she's actually likeable? I guess you learn something new everyday?

"She's our student body president. Through all the years she has been, she's been giving us some good years, I'm so proud of her," Silver explains.

"Yup. Imagine if Tyler won that election," Knuckles snorts, the rest of the boys snicker at that thought.

"When you meet her, you will like her Shadow," Sonic tells me. I roll my eyes at him.

"I already met her," I tell them.

"What? You did?" Knuckles asks.

"Yeah, and she screamed at me," I add.

"How can she scream at you? She's normally so cool and collected?" Sonic turned around from his game now, which is over, to look at me.

"Yeah, she's so nice," Silver defends.

"I...tried to spray paint the school," I admit. Might as well tell them. If they want to know, I don't mind telling them.

"Ooohh," Knuckles says and give me a 'you probably shouldn't have done that' face. Silver laughs a little.

"Well no wonder, dude. She will defiantly get upset about that," Sonic reasons.

"Yeah, she will defiantly get upset about that," Silver agrees.

"That would get her angry," Knuckles sighs.

"She called me a crackhead," I tell them. Knuckles throws his head back and laughs.

"The money I would pay to watch Amy call someone a crackhead!" He laughs and the other boys join in with laughter as well. I smirk at their amusement to the Princess's change of attitude.

"Well she didn't exactly call me a crackhead, she said 'like some crackhead'," I correct myself.

"Still, dude!" Knuckles continues laughing as well. I can't help but laugh a little too.

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