Chapter 5 - Papa

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Today was the first day of the Inter-High and everybody was excited for it. Riko told us that the school which we are going to be against was called Shinkyo. The group have a foreigner which is from Sengal and as his name was too long and hard for us to remember, we decided to call him " Papa " as dubbed by Kuroko. We were warming up and I was reading my notes on Papa when a loud " Itai! " resounded from the courts. I looked up and saw a guy who rubbed his head and said " Everything in Japan is so small....." and all of a sudden, he knocked onto Kuroko who was " Invisible ". He looked to the left and to the right before looking down, seeing Kuroko. He carried Kuroko by the arms to eye level and said " Kodomo shouldn't be on court~ " before a huge gust of wind blew up Kuroko's shirt, revealing the Seirin jersey. " The school who defeated Kaijo have a kid in it? Can't believe....I think that all the generation of Miracles member are kids..." and he went back to his team. I was pissed off. Nobody insults the generation of Miracles member and get away with it....! I looked towards Ai- Sempai and said " Let''s crush them Ai- Sempai.....nobody gets away with insulting the generation of Miracles. " She nodded her head. 

The match started but we were lagging behind due to Dad's long arm and leg. I felt so pissed off. ' Can I join the match? If only the approval by NBA comes quickly....' and sigh, deciding to cheer them on. " Taiga! Jump higher! " and I realized that I have an attack which I can use. Mind attack. Mind attack is to say the bad points about the player which you are attacking on and they will feel inferior, thus allowing us to win. It is more efficient on the courts but it also works quite well when you're in a position like me. A manager. 

" Kuroko! Do your pass! Even thought the Dad have long arms and leg, he cannot move quickly! " and soon, as his team was demoralized, we won by 67-43 . 

We then headed to our second match which was against the bullies which I had set them into place. We entered the courts to see them saying haughtily " Seirin is nothing but a second seeded school, we will crush them! " and I walked towards them with an ' innocent smile '. " Nice to see you a-g-a-i-n~ " and they shivered and one guy asked " It's" and he was pale. I smiled again and they screamed out to the judge " We forfeit!!!!!!! " and I smiled. I walked back and Ai - Sempai asked me " How did you made them forfeit?! " I smiled and said " I didn't do anything~ " and she looked quite puzzled, but she collected it and say " Our next match is against one of the king. The king of the west, Seiho ! Let''s go! "

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