5- [House Invader?]

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Location:Your bedroom

You're still laughing like crazy at yourself. Your stomach is starting to hurt from the laughs and eventually, you stop. Taking a deep breath, you look at yourself once more and laugh a little.

"Okay okay that's enough." Suddenly,

"WAIT- THERE'S A GUY- OH MY GOD" You panick, thinking what you did last night. An instant flashback of last night comes to you.

"How oblivious am I that I just realised there's a male in my house." You facepalm yourself. "He literally came in this morning-" Sighing, you walk over to the door. There's a broom in the corner.

Might as well bring it with me for safety.

You step outside of your bedroom and search for the male that came in your room.

How did he even get in anyway?

Your appartment is locked with a passcode. No one other than your cousin knows your password.

Hold up-- my cousin!

Your cousin always comes to your house every weekends or holidays.

She can't be seeing him in my house!

You quickly look for him in the small appartment. And finally, you find him leaning over the balcony-- thankfully with a shirt.

He turns around and sees your panicky face. "Y/n what's wrong?" You quickly drag him into your bedroom just in case your cousin suddenly barges in.

You pace back and forth before saying, "Get out! My cousin will see you!" "Your cousin?" He repeats. "Yes, she can't be seeing you!" "And why is that?" He raises an eyebrow. "Because-" Your words are interrupt by a loud noise in the living room

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU~" She slurs her words as she searches for you.


"Quick, hide!"


You push him into your bedroom. "Under the bed? Just-- hide!"

He tries to crawl under the bed but his big butt is stopping him. "A little help?" His voice muffles.

You immediately run towards him and try to fit his butt under the bed. "Why do you have such big ass?" You grunt, still trying to fit his butt.

"Bitch please I'm thicker than your mom will ever be." He retorts.

Finally, his body is fully under the bed. Soft, delicate footsteps are heard outside of your bedroom and you knowing who it is-- immediately lay on the bed pretending to be sleeping.

"Y/n?" She opens the door quietly. She lets out a relieved sigh. "Thank god, I thought you were kicked out" She laughs.

Did she just-

You roll over to the other side of the bed so that you are facing her. "Oh, hi Julia." You say lazily and sit up. "Didn't you hear me calling you?" She says. You scoff, "You know me, I'm a heavy sleeper."

She pouts "But I arrived yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, where were you?"

You facepalm internally,completely forgetting that she was coming yesterday. "I was um.. out with Natalie" You smile,trying to seem convincing. She hums "Suspicious... did she drug you before going out?" She laughs.

You glare at her. "I'm kidding geez, girl can't even take a joke." She chuckles while walking towards your bed. You panick a little, hoping that she doesn't see the man under the bed.

"Hey! How about we go shopping?" You exclaim. "Huh? You? Shopping?" She laughs loudly. "Since when do you like shopping?" She says, inching closer to the bed. If she sits down on the bed the weight will be too much since you have a quite small bed.

Which means that Kook will be weighing both of your weights. You stand up too quickly that you almost stumble yourself. "Since I saw this nice pair of shoes yesterday!" You blurt out. "Now get out, I'm gonna go get change."

You shoo her out before she can sit on the bed. "Rude." You hear her say from the other side of the door. "Whew that was close." You sigh in relieve. The male under the bed come out looking like he just come out of a cave, hair and body full of dust. He scoffs. "Do you not sweep under your bed?" He says while dusting off the dust off him, a disgusted look on his face.

"Whatever." You scoff. "Anyways I was meaning to talk to you." "Go ahead." He says while making himself comfortable on the bed. "We haven't properly introduce ourselves yet." "Oh! Right." He says while stitting up. "I'm Jungkook!" He says and extends his hands. "And I'm assuming you already know my name." You reply sheepishly.

He chuckles, "Yeah... are you gonna shake my hand? It's getting quite sore." Realizing that you left his hand hanging, (literally) you slowly take his hand. "Oh, right aren't you supposed to be changing?" He says. "Yeah I totally forgot... could you give me some privacy?"

"Oh! Sure." He walks over to the corner near the mirror and closes his eyes. Taking out your outfit, you wear a pair of skinny jeans which haven't been used for a while and a simple tshirt. During the process, he accidentally opens his eyes and sees your reflection through the mirror. He quickly covers his eyes with his hands, cheeks flushing.

After you awkwardly changed your outfit, you say your goodbye to him and tell him about a few things in the appartment-- and he wants to get to know you better after you return home-- Your niece, Julia waits for you at the front door with her hand on her hips. "What's taking you so long?" Ignoring her, you walk through the door and leave her behind.

End of Chapter 5.

Thanks for reading! 🌼

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