11-[Squishy Kook]

808 37 5

Wednesday, 10pm

"-got you!" His hands slides over to your shoulder and smacks you. Your body squints from the sudden contact. "You're it!"

What the hell?

He takes a huge step to the door and swirls his hand on the door knob before twisting the knob. "See ya!" "Hey! Come back here! I'm not done yet!"

"Jeon Jungkook! Come back here this instant!" You stomp your feet when his figure is already gone behind the door.

"Natalie help meeee!" "Don't bother Nat." You interupt while sending a squalid glare towards the man hiding behind her. "Don't. Talk. To. Me." Each word phrase with a harsh tone. He pouts after hearing the annoyance in your voice. "Aww, you're no fun. Hmph." He crosses his hands sadly.

Not caring about his state, you roll your eyes. "You guys make such a cute couple, I'm melting," Natalie says as she holds her hands on her chest dramatically. "Well I don't think so. Imagine having to handle a kid 24/7" you let out a sigh.

Natalie giggles at your complaint. "If the kid's this cute, I don't mind caring for him." She says while brushing Jungkook's brown locks. "Hey! I just brushed my hair.." he says while pouting. Natalie can't handle his cuteness and squishes his cheeks. "You're so cuuuuuuuttttteeeeee,"

"Get away from me!" Jungkook sprints away from Natalie while rubbing his squished and reddened cheeks. "I shall call you Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy." Natalie declares and runs after Jungkook "Come on, Squishy, come on Squishy,"

His swift feet dashes towards the kitchen the minute he sees her taking a step towards him. While passing by the kitchen, he takes a pillow and throws it to Natalie, the pillow landing on her face with a thump. "Ow! Bad Squishy, bad Squishy!" "Fuck off you stinky beast!"

Natalie gasps dramatically, "How dare you! After all I did for you, this is how you repay me?!"

"Um, didn't you guys just met like, a few minutes ago?" Seeing that Natalie is distracted, Jungkook takes the chance and locks himself in your room, he slams the door creating a bang. "Jeon Jungkook! Slam that door one more time and I won't buy anymore banana milk." A whine comes from the other side of the door as a response.

"Are you both always like this?" Natalie says while laughing. "Arguing? Yes. We've been... arguing quite a lot lately."

Natalies lets out a chuckle, "That's what keeps a relationship alive, Y/n! That's how you both learn to understand each other more. With each of the arguments created, both of you learn to know the other better." "How?" "If you truly love him, doesn't matter how much you argue, you'll always forgive him. And if he does, he will too."


You chuckle awkwardly, "Hehe, of course I l-love him, haha." With your face distorting into an uncomfortable expression, you try to cover it up without making her notice.


"So, how have you been? You know, with you getting fired and all," "Ugh, don't remind me. Taking care of a kid in an adult's body is harsh. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather hear Mr.Pig's rants instead of babysitting." Natalie snorts. "If I could, I would exchange roles with you. I'd rather babysit a bratty baby rather than hearing him ranting about how he needs to diet every.single.morning. like, how about he get rid of that stubborn personality of his instead. Ugh." You laugh and nod in agreement.

Jungkook comes out the door and carries his body weakly. He's changed his clothing into a shirt and a sweatpants that can barely fit him.

"Jungkook, are you wearing my pants again?" Natalie turns her head towards Jungkook and eyes him up and down. And when I mean down, I mean down. Her eyes widen at the sight of a lining seen on his pants. Upon seeing that, she quickly turns away. "I don't have any pants left." "'I dON't HaVe ANy PaNTs lEfT' you liar, I washed the laundry this morning." "But it is not dry yet." "Again, lies, the laundry should've been dry by now considering how hot the weather is today."

Natalie mumbles under her breath. "Ugh, fine. Your pants are very soft and they have cute patterns!" The patterns on the pants consists of bunnies and carrots splattering around them. "Next time, when we go out, I'll buy a kid's pants. Is that what you want?" His doe eyes gleams at you. "Yes please!" "I was kidding! No adult can fit inside a kid's pants. And most certainly not you!" His smile turns into a pout, "Aww..."


Your argument with him is interrupt by the sound of someone clearing their throat. "Y/n.. maybe you should... tell him t-to change in- into something else.." she says as she points down.


"Hey! What are you pointing at? Don't point at me! Nobody points at Jeon Jungkook!" (Istg this has become a crack story sjsjsjejkwkw)


"Oh, I almost forgot. Nat, how about we have a night out?" Natalie's face scrunch in curiousity, "Are you sure y/n?" "Yes, why?" She raises her eyebrow, "Nothing." "Okay..."

In the evening, the three of you spend time playing arcades, Jungkook ends up being the only one getting a plushy. After seeing how you were looking at his possession, he gifts it to you but not without an agreement on buying him a banana milk. After that, Natalie and you go shopping for clothes. Mostly Natalie, of course, Jungkook has to bring the heavy bags in his hand while keeping pace with the both of you.

For the last stop, the three of you go to a funfair and ride a roller coaster, Natalie becomes dizzy from the ride and suggests that she goes home and you and Jungkook can continue having fun. Worried of her state, you call Peter to drive her home. Peter eagerly accepts your request and sends home Natalie safely. In the mean time, Natalie seems to be getting quite attached to him and hopefully, they both will get along.


1.Pillow fight (☆)
2.Ice cream frenzy (☆)
3.Have a picnic & watch the sunset (☆)
4.Have a night out with friends (☆)
5.Buy new clothes (☆ )
6.Movie night ( )
7.Get a pet ( )
8.Make a fort ( )
9.Truth or dare ( )

Thanks for reading!

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