10- [Making Up]

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Wednesday,1 pm

Jungkook's POV

Back to square one smh, great job Kook

Y/n hasn't come out of her room since we argued. I kinda feel bad. She'll get hungry for sure, so I made her favourite food and decorate it beautifully and set in on top of the kitchen table. Now, let's just hope she comes down when she smells this.

Hours passed by and she still hasn't come out, where is she? Hesitantly, I go up to her front door, standing there like a deer in headlights.

Will she ever forgive me?

My nervous hand makes a fist and knocks gently on the door, "Y/n? Are you there?"

Duh, of course she's there. Where else could she be?


No answer.

"Y/n, please answer me." I lean against the door, already giving up on coaxing her. "Come in." A faint voice says from the other side. My face lights up upon hearing her, I twist the door knob after hearing her permission. "I made your favourite." I say as I walk up to her lying on the bed. Her breathing turns ragged upon my presence.

I stop in my tracks before going further "I'm sorry." I say faintly. "It was stupid of me to act like that."

Author's POV

You shift to the side of your bed, "It's okay." "No it's not." "Please get out." He starts to walk slowly, "I can't. Not until you forgive me."

Sitting up, you mumble "But I already forgive you.." "Don't lie Y/n," "I'm not." You chuckle lowly. He sits hesitantly by the edge of the bed, "I know when you lie Y/n, you fidget when you lie." Not realising your action, you stop fidgeting.

"Go away. I don't want you here." You turn your back away from him. Tears start to brim in his eyes.


He hesitates at first, but reaches out for your hand nevertheless, "Don't turn your back on me, Y/n. Let's fix this okay? Together." "Nobody ever said that to me."

Sniffling, you mumble "Nobody ever wanted to fix anything with me--" you start to hiccup. "They- they us- ually ju- just l-l-leave m- m- e"

That's what they do. Everyone does it.

He wraps his arm around you, "Let it all out, Y/n. Let it all out." You rest your head on his shoulder, crying. He pats your back repeatedly in a way than no one could have. "N- n- no o- on- one ev- ever d- d- do th- this to m-me." "Shuuuuuh, don't talk. Just cry. Let it all out. I'm here."

You start to bawl, his broad shoulders are comfortable for one to cry onto. Your mind starts to think about all the sad and hard times you've been through. About how you had to endure the mocks, jokes, critics all alone. How you had to work all day and night, sometimes unable to sleep and ended up getting sick for days, all of that so you could pay for your school fee. You didn't want to burden your parents even more so since you're 13, you started getting jobs. Back then the kids would make fun of your worn out shoes, old discolored bag and how ridiculous you'd look every Friday with your eyes red and messy hair because of your part time jobs. And no one would even care about lending a hand to you.

As time pass by, your loud cry turns into small sobs. "Thanks Jk." He hums, "For what?" He combs your hair gently. "For letting me cry on your shoulders." He smiles, "I'd let you cry on my shoulders anytime if that makes you happy," You let out a laugh. "That was corny." "I'd be corny anytime if that makes you laugh."

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