14-[ Thank You, Jungkook]

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Location: Home
Friday, 1 a.m.

"Oi toothpaste," he says as he shakes your peacefully sleeping self. Unbothered, you hum lazily as response. He puts both of his hands on his hips, "Wake up or else." He threatens in a sly tone.

You move to the other side of the bed and ignore him, "Fine, then." Soon after, you hear faint footsteps leaving the room. You slowly open your eyes to check whether or not he's gone, and, surely enough he is.

You try to continue on with your slumber, tossing and turning around the bed but to no avail. At last, your feet unconciously walks out of the bed and heading towards his room. "Kook?" You knock softly- in case he's gone back to sleep. Hearing no response, you're already backing up when the door knob twists, revealing his ruffled hair and baggy clothes.

Where does he even get those?

"You called?" Both of your orbs staring at each other, none said a word after. He puts out his hand in an inviting manner for you to come in. With each step, you slowly start to notice the slight changes in the room.

There's no longer an empty, dark room, instead there's light coming from the open balcony which, you never knew was there. The bed no longer empty and without sheets, instead, it's a messy blanket and pillows scattered; signs there's someone sleeping there.

He makes his way to the balcony with a guitar in his hands.

And where did he get THAT?

"I thought you'd never come, was about to start the serenades without you." Huh, I guess it's worth getting out of the bed at 1 a.m. after all. "Serenades?" Your eyebrows arch in confusion. Being born in a chaotic family, never have you ever heard such a delicate word, nor have you experience them. He adjusts his guitar chords and strums it experimentally.

Now, he's ready, "Listen," he whispers and starts strumming a melody.

"Hoping that you won't forget about it.."

He continues playing the melody after he's done singing, staring deep into the sky. He seems so lost into it that he doesn't notice the moon getting brighter each second. Oh, what a beautiful night it is.

At first you don't get why he would even wake you up at this hour, but as he continues to croon, your heart feels at ease just by hearing his voice.

What a silvery voice indeed.

No words are spoken but you know that he's feeling empty and broken, he's showing his true self to you- his other self. Seeing him like this makes you want to go over and hug him but you control yourself as to not step over a boundary; not when he's vulnerable like this. A gust of wind flies by, making it blow his long brown locks delicately.

The view tonight is ravishing. You wish you can stay like this forever, but of course, there's no light without darkness. It wasn't the type of silence that would make you feel awkward or uncomfortable, instead it's the opposite.

That night, she learned something new. That night she experienced something new. That night she feels something new. Someday, she will be new.

You slowly look over to your side only to catch him already looking at you. Not necessarily romantically, but empthatically. "I'm always here for you." He says one last time and wipes away your tear that you didn't even notice start to fall. You grin at his action, "Haha, thank you." However, he doesn't smile back.

He clears his throat and says, "I might not be in your shoes y/n heck, I might not even fit in yours but I can always be your shoe pad." He chuckles. "That's so sweet of you, thank you." Not being able to keep it in anymore, you burst into a puddle of tears right then and there.

Surely, Jungkook's surprised at your sudden burst but his first instict is to comfort you. "I'm so so sorry did I say something wrong?" He panicks, of course. "No, no it's not that." Sniffling, you pull yourself from his tender embrace but as soon as you move an inch from him, he pulls you back into him.

"Come here, cry on me." And that's all it takes for you to lose your last straw.

And that night she cried her heart out. She screams her heart out.

With you still crying, he picks you up and puts you on his bed gently. He cautiously lets you go as if you're so delicate that if he puts you down a little too fast you'd break.

"Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget"

After what seems to be an eternity of letting it all out, you find him still hugging you, rubbbing his thumb on you your back. He looks at you, "What is it?" You hesitate at first but continue to ask, "Can you sing for me?" He grins, "Sure-" "I mean, every night. Serenade me to sleep every night?"

He smiles, "I wish I could say yes but-" "Then say yes." "You know I can't,"

Right, he's a grim reaper.

Sooner or later he's gonna have to return. "Don't worry, my brothers will sing for you." You tilt your head, "Your brothers?" His face lits up in excitement, "You'll love them too, I promise. They're fun to be around." Fidgeting with the thick blanket above you, you stay quiet. "Hey," he nudges you. "If they don't treat you well I'll know okay? I'll be watching." He says in a strict tone.

"Thank you." You smile half heartedly. He's about to leave the bed but you stop him in his tracks, "Where are you going?" You ask with a hoarse voice due to the crying sesh.

Flatly, he says "You should get some sleep." Continued by the sound of a door closing. One minute he's all caring and sweet then the second he's cold.

What's with you Jeon Jungkook?

End of Chapter 12

A/n : Hey readers, I'm awfully sorry for my absence. I've been through a lot these past months and now I'm back! Though I'm not sure if I would be updating frequently though as I have a church program to attend this weekend for two days. Also, I'm still in school so you get the gizz. 🌼

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