Jotaro Kujo - missing you

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This has some spoilers for Stardust Crusaders so this is your warning if you don't want to be spoiled. Also, there are some big sad times in this so also be warned of that.

Two months since the remainder arrived back to Japan from Egypt. It has been a slow, uphill climb, but we all are making it through; almost all. Jotaro still hadn't come to school once and I had only seen him a handful of times, all just passing moments. Holly, his sweet mom, had asked me to bring him his homework and I got to have tea with her every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Winter had finally broken and the sun had started to peak through. It was Friday and my walk towards the Kujo household was like a breath of fresh air. But, when I arrived it wasn't just Holly. She was joined by her father, Joseph. My breath was taken away at the sight of him. In Egypt, he was the sweet father figure to everyone, myself especially. Once the shock has worn off, he's standing and I run in for a hug.

"It's so good to see you around, (y/n)," Joseph said while he squeezed me and lifted me off of the ground," sit, let's drink some tea and talk." He sets me back to earth and we all sit at the table.

After a few laughs are shared before we get on the topic of Jotaro homework. Holly and Joseph share a knowing look and I finally realize there's a reason the loveable old man is here. Holly looks me in the eyes, her own holding a worried gaze.

"(y/n), we're worried about Jotaro... he hasn't come out of his room since you all came back."

I had the feeling he hadn't been doing well. Holly always made an excuse for his absence when I would come over. Joseph speaks up.

"On that trip, I could see how close you two were and I think that you're the only one that could get through to him."

It's true. Jotaro only hung out with Kakyoin and I. It started out because his English wasn't fluent and we were the only ones he could completely speak to, but the more time we spent together it changed from common language to friendship to possibly more. It had pained me to not see him after we returned, but I knew I had to give him space to process everything.

"Of course... I try and talk to him," I said before we all stand and make our way in front of his door. I take a deep breath and beat my knuckles against the door. No reply. I knock again, but Holly calls out his name. A muffled, "leave me alone bitch," is heard; this can't be the first time she's tried to pry him out. After another moment of silence, a lightbulb goes off.

"Holly, is there a window in his room I could get to."

Her eyes widen, but she lets out a tiny giggle once she realizes my plan. She leads the way until we arrive outside and in front of his window. The curtains are drawn and dark. I run my finger along the perimeter to activate my stand, Changes, to allow myself to pass through the clear glass.

I try to carefully crawl over the desk, but I slip over a loose paper and fall on his floor. While I lay on the floor, I hear rustling from the corner his bed is in and I try to look, but it's too dark. I stand and get my wits back until I hear the gruff voice I was looking for.

"What are you doing in here," he says in the dark. I can see the flame of his cigarette move as he looks away. I walk over and turn his overhead light on. He squints like the only light he's seen was enough to light his cigarette for the past two months. I gaze at the state of his room; simple, but obviously in disarray. Apart from the room, he looked normal to an untrained eye, but not to me. The abnormally dark circles under his eyes, am overflowing ashtray on his nightstand, and the messy hair with his hat absent from his head. Even his pajama that I had seen many times were out of sorts. I expected him to be a mess, but I had never seen him this bad.

"Everyone's worried about you," I say. He looked back at me for only a moment, soaking in my image as much as he could.

"They shouldn't be," he chided, "now leave me alone." I let out a huff of frustration.

"God damn it, Jojo, we aren't just worried about you... we miss you... I miss you, so much."

He looks back at me from his corner. I quickly feel the tears welling up in my eyes and dropping down towards the floor before I can do anything about them. I wipe the tear away and cross my arms. Silence ensues before I hear a weighted sigh leave Jotaro's lips. He scoots over in his bed and pats a spot next to him. I take the invitation and plop myself on the bed. Another teardrop and he swiftly wipes it away with his thumb. There's another long silence before he opens up.

"I miss him... so much," his voice is strained and tense. His aquamarine eyes look like the ocean from the tears building up. I tried not to think about what happened to Kakyoin. But, I guess he had done to the opposite and that was all he could think about. My tears started to fall again and Jotaro's looked threateningly heavy.

"Me too," my voice was more choked up than I had intended. I look over and it looks like he's memorizing my face in this moment. Once he seemed to realize I was looking at him as well, we shared a moment of mutual understanding. Then one full and strong tear runs down his chiseled cheek. So fast that it was running down his neck in a second. My heart clenched and I instantly pull him towards me to try and comfort him. I held him for a few minutes before he pulled away to look at me.

"I missed you too," he looked finally relieved to say that and he had a genuine smile after he finished his last word. Hearing him say that relived me too and put a smile on my own face that reaches ear to ear. I look down at him for another moment and lovingly brushed a strand of hair out of his face. He reaches his own hand up to cup the side of my face. His massive hand almost encasing one side of my head; looking even larger when I rested my hand on top of his. He slowly used that leverage to pull me closer to him in tandem with him leaning up to bring our faces millimeters apart. Our foreheads rested on each other and our noses conjoined. He held me there for only a moment more before he pressed the gentlest, loving kiss he could muster into my lips. It lasted only a split moment before he pulled away and pressed a few feather-light kisses to my cheek. He pulled away this time to look at me and I mirror my hand to his cheek. Admiration was strong in the look we gave each other. I lean forward this time and quickly gave him another kiss before cuddling up, foreheads still pressed together. We both must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know my eyes open to a broad chest in my face. He must have woken up before me and reached for the closest piece of reading material because his face was trained on something just behind me. I smile and snuggle deeper into his muscular torso before Holly and her perfect timing opens the door with breakfast. She smiled knowing my plan must have worked and seeing her son rested and happier than her last encounter with him.

"I'll just leave these here," she says before leaving us to probably fall back to sleep. I could still see from the purple around Jotaro's tear ducts he needed a few more hours.

1347 words

This was a little hard for me because I like my stories to be happy, but I had the idea and I had to write it. Happy endings are also really sweet. Thank you for reading!

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