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It had been quite a while since Toni had  found herself back in Riverdale, but here she was. She missed the town and her friends, so she wanted to move back. She had moved into Sweet Pea's old apartment that he no longer needed because he was moving in with his girlfriend. Shocking, she knows.

Of course she would find the one and only Cheryl Blossom sat at a stool at the bar. She couldn't see her face but she knew it was her. Her long locks were cut a few inches shorter, and her heels were traded in for black converse. She always did complain about how the heels bothered her feet.

Anyway Toni walked up to the only few seats on the bar, a group between Cheryl and some stranger, of course. 

Toni ordered her usual, and tried to avoid looking at her long time ex-girlfriend.

"Huh. I know someone who used to order that drink" Cheryl said, not knowing that the certain someone was right next to her. 

Toni cringed and tried to act surprised at the voice she recognized so well, and turned around. 

"So you knew someone?" Toni feigned confidence when she turned around, trying to mask the pure shock on her face after looking at Cheryl for the first time in years. 

Cheryl's jaw dropped slightly, but she caught it before she exposed the shocked look on her face. Toni caught it and let a small smile grace her face, and watched Cheryl adjust herself properly. 

"Oh-uh hi, Toni" Cheryl ducked her head, "how have you been?" she gulped and picked up her drink, chugging nearly half of her beverage. 

Toni looked down too, and ran a hand through her hair.

"Um, I've been good. Freelance photography out of college" Toni inadvertently smiled, she loved her job so much. 

Cheryl was happy for Toni, really. But she had been left in Riverdale as a social worker who helped foster children. It's not that she hates the town, or her job; its that she has a reputation here, and has nobody else there with her.

She doesn't like saying its Toni's fault...but it its like 70% her fault. They had tried to work it out while Toni went away to college, but it didn't work out in the end. 

But here she was right in front of her, and looking as beautiful as ever after all these years. 

"How are you? Are you in graduate school now?" Toni questioned back, remembering what Cheryl was studying when before they'd ended things. 

Cheryl raised an eyebrow, did Toni remember all of these things?

"Um I just graduated, actually." Cheryl smiled, "I'm working in foster care now."

Toni smiled even wider, "No way! That's really awesome Cheryl, do you like it?"

"Yea" Cheryl blushed, "I love it so much, sometimes I just want to take the cuties home." she joked, and allowed herself to laugh. 

Toni did too, and Cheryl noticed that Toni had gotten a nose piercing, and that there was a lot less pink in her hair. It was a darker brown now, with light strands of pink on the sides. She traded her leather jacket in for a dark jean one with patches of locations she'd been. 

"So where have you gone with freelance?" Cheryl asked when the laughter had stopped and conversation had stilled for a few seconds. She was genuinely curious, she knew that Toni had always loved photography- hell she still had at least 30 of her photos hanging in her apartment. 

"Oh! Well first I went abroad in Thailand and explored around there, and then I went all around Europe and did some photojournalism that got published-" Cheryl knew that, she bought the goddamn book. It was good, too, but that didn't make her feel any better. "and then I actually shot and edited around vogue for some artists and models." Toni smiled brightly. 

Cheryl knew that, too. She read the magazines at the store, but never bought the; she thought it would mean she was still too attached to an ex. 

"I'm happy for you Toni, seems like you're living your biggest dream, huh?" Toni shrugged and turned to her drink, swirling the straw around in her drink.

"Well there are still some things missing." Toni sipped her drink and then turned back to Cheryl.

There was a short pause that consisted of the exes taking long looks at each other, and not in the eye. Cheryl glanced down to the floor after her eyes made their way up and down Toni's body. 

Toni scratched her head and avoided looking at Cheryl, continuing the tense silence between them. 

She felt Cheryl's eyes on her, and let her eyes glanced back to Cheryl when she heard a loud sigh. 

"I have to go, Toni. I've got an early day tomorrow, but it was really good to see you." Cheryl stood up and offered up a friendly smile. 

Toni took the hand Cheryl stuck out and instead of shaking it, she pulled it in. Cheryl let up an 'oomf' and fell into Toni's personal space.

"How about we stop pretending we care about stupid small talk when we already know the answer to every question we asked?" Toni whispered into Cheryl's ear and felt Cheryl tense. 

She stepped back and nodded.  

"I- let's go to my place" Cheryl whispered, still inches away from Toni's face. She watched the daring smirk she had known so well in high school creep across Toni's face. 

Toni smacked a 20 onto the bar and jumped off of her seat, taking Cheryl by her hips and pushing her out of the bar as they both laughed. 

"God, I missed having a bombshell in my life" Toni sighed before she kissed Cheryl's lips for the first time in years.

Yes or no?! I kind of loooove this and might make a story ;)

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