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Based loosely on Illicit affairs by Taylor Swift

Toni trudges through the slushy snow and mud as she rounds the back of the school.

Cheryl watches her from the warmth of her car, her heart wrenching when she sees Toni's little frame shiver.

Later as they pass each other in the hallway, Cheryl can't help but smile at the red blush coating Toni's cheeks, she looks so adorable.

And for Toni, she avoids Cheryl's eyes because she knows she'd probably stumble over her feet and make it obvious if she did.

Toni is hopelessly in love with the head cheerleader, and Cheryl with the dorky gang member who no one knows all that well except her- she knows Toni better than herself and anyone else.

They know better than going public, especially because of Cheryl's mother and Toni's best friends and their general disdain for everything Cheryl Blossom represents.

Cheryl is kind of obsessed with the whole star-crossed lovers thing and they dream of their lives together out of Riverdale together all the time.

"Hey tiny, how'd you get here this morning?" Toni freezes but shakes it off to answer Fangs.

"Took the bus so I could catch up on my reading" Toni shrugs her bag on and walks along Fangs down the hall.

She doesn't let herself remember how she climbed into Cheryl's window last night and Cheryl read the book to her as they fell asleep. If she did she'd be a smiling, embarrassed mess and then Fangs would be able to tell.

When they discuss the story in English later, Fags is visibly impressed by Toni's comments, because she doesn't usually speak, and when she does she's just winging it based on Spark Notes. 

Toni tries not to blush as Cheryl gives a nod in the corner of her eye. She can't tell if it's at her or her comment, but either way she's thinking about how Cheryl explained the passage in nearly the same words she's just told the class.

After she gets her required points for participation she daydreams about how she might sneak around with Cheryl later. Her rapid pen tapping gets her a scolding from the teacher, and that snaps her out of her peaceful thoughts.

She blushes when Cheryl winks at her and rolls her eyes when Cheryl smiles.

Fangs is asleep on his desk anyway.

"Okay so here are the partners for these essays." Their ancient teacher slowly writes names side by side on the chalkboard.

Toni is momentarily dazed by how good her and Cheryl's names look together before she realizes she's supposed to be mad.

"Oh shit Tiny what are you gonna do!?"

"Oh umm. I don't even know Fangs, I kind of have to deal with her right? I mean she's serious about school maybe she won't kill me." Toni feels Cheryl's eyes on her as she forces out a fake conversation with Fangs.

"Miss, may I speak to you for a moment?" Cheryl asks in that fake-kind voice she has and Toni can't help but scoff, which really helps the whole act.

"Something to add, Cha-cha?" Cheryl whirls around and Toni holds back her instinct to smile at her girlfriend.

"No, just that if you're going to complain about being partners with me, the feeling is mutual." Toni throws a wink in for good measure and hears Fangs let out a little gasp.

"Ugh- great. So you can do the whole essay yourself and I'll get my nails done tonight." Cheryl smirks as the bell rings.

"Miss Blossom, Miss Topaz, stay with me for a moment." Their teacher requests as the girls start to gather their things.

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