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Cheryl feels like she just got kicked in the gut.

Veronica told her Toni wouldn't be here. And that's really the only reason she came.

Judging by the look on Toni's face, her friends told her the same. Cheryl opts to just turn around and walk back outside to wait for Veronica so she can yell at her when she arrives.

The truth is, every couple is working out their kinks now; Archie is back from the army and he and Veronica have been adjusting to being around each other, and Betty and Jughead have been on and off for quite a while, or so she's heard.

She and Toni- well they never 'worked it out' like Toni said. Toni never went to college, and Cheryl did. After all, getting your heart broken by the one person you trust will send anyone running for the hills.

She's been back to Riverdale a handful of times; to see Nana Rose, to make sure everything is paid for, and to...well, to snoop. It's in her nature to be nosy about her friends, it always has been, and she misses them even if she wouldn't admit to missing their horrible High School experience.

The only reason she's in town for this stupid reunion is because Nana Rose had a fall on her bad hip and ended up in the hospital. Then, once Nana had heard there was a reunion (from Veronica, of course) she made her go.

Of course she's home to see her Nana, her one living family member in time for a 'chance meeting' with her one and only Toni Topaz.

"Veronica!" Cheryl growls when she sees Archie's pick up pull up.

"Oh shit" she can hear Veronica mumble an explanation for Archie and he laughs.

"Okay. I'll meet you inside, good luck" he kisses her on the cheek and walks over to Cheryl.

"Hey" he says and squeezes her shoulder. "If you wanna get outta here at any point, just let me know okay? I know how much I'd hate to have seen Veronica when I wasn't ready yet." Her gives her a lopsided smile, and walks inside with his hands shoved in his pockets.

Veronica follows, walking toward Cheryl sheepishly.

She only shrugs, as if that solves anything.

"You suck Veronica! So bad. And you owe me so many drinks tonight." Cheryl grabs Veronica's arm and pulls her inside. Maybe she misses some of her old classmates.

Cheryl heads straight for the open bar- Veronica owes her drinks another time. That's when Fangs walks up next to her.

"Long time no see Red." He nudges her shoulder and smiles.

Cheryl is actually happy to see him- he cleaned up nice for this reunion, wearing a nice navy jacket and pant combo, as if he left some important job or something.

Fangs opens his arms for a hug and of course Cheryl obliges, "it's so good to see you, Fangs."

"It's nice to see you too Cheryl. I haven't seen you around in like, ever."

"Well I'm not on the south side much anymore." Cheryl tries to joke but Fangs' laugh seems a little forced.

Fangs hums, "Yeah, I know." He looks sad for a moment but snaps into movement in a second, "but anyway, what have you been up to!"

Cheryl shifts on her feet and debates what to tell Fangs she does for work. Ultimately, she ends up settling on the truth.

She leans on the bar and gets into it, "So you know how my dad ran this 'family business'" she uses her fingers as air quotes and Fangs nods, "Well. For the last 4 years I've been completely dismantling it and selling it!" Cheryl smiles and holds up her drink to Fangs.

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