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"ah! i would've come earlier if you guys had told me we were meeting up here." jongin shouted across the room and he took off his shoes on the entrance to chanyeol's house.

"i didn't even invite you guys here." chanyeol sighed, getting some books out of a cardboard box, "i barely moved and you guys already barged in. what's the point in moving out-"

"we get it old man." jongdae said, "who's got the chicken covered?"

"on it!" minseok waved his hand up in the air.

"what about the beer?"

"i passed by a convenience store on my way here." jongin smiled while holding up two plastic bags with presumably packs of beer.

"ah, our jongin, always ready, that's why you're my favorite." yixing made heart hands to jongin and sent him little air kisses.

"ah! my eyes, get the fuck out of here." chanyeol pushed yixing off the couch making yixing fall on the floor with his legs in the air.

jongin just shook his head at his elders and sat down on the floor, leaning against the sofa and facing the tv. he put his phone down on the coffee table and grabbed the remote control that was left unnatentended due to some fight over it and changed the news channel to a music one.

shinee's taemin's 'want' music video was playing as it was a new release together with their last comeback album that didn't do as well as taemin's solo.

"ooh! i love this song." yixing got up and started dancing the choreography together with taemin on the screen.

"wow, he's really amazing. he really is as pretty as a girl but he doesn't give out that girl vibe but at the same time he is also as pretty as a guy but doesn't give off a guy vibe-" jongdae started talking, suddenly interrupted by a grunt.

"my head is spinning, stop that nonsense, let me just unpack." chanyeol whined bouncing his body up and down as if he was a little kid about to throw a tantrum.

jongin's head hadn't moved away from the screen one second since everyone started talking, one thing ran across jongin's mind the whole time and it terrified him.

taemin was indeed the prettiest man he had ever seen.


after the chicken was over, the members slowly exited chanyeol's house to go to their own house and by nine, yixing and jongin were the last ones leaving. yixing put his arm around jongin's neck, slightly drunk and stumbling a bit.

"jongin." yixing slurred.

"what hyung." jongin let out a chuckle and already predicting what the older would say.

"i love yooou." yixing winked at jongin and detached himself from the other.

jongin watched yixing try to walk ahead, needing the support of the wall, and then whipping his phone out.

"do you want me to take you home, hyung?" jongin asked as yixing shook his head and smiled.

"it's fine, i'll just call a cab." and in minutes, yixing's ride was there and they quickly waved to each other before parting ways.

the dorm was empty when jongin arrived, junmyeon and jongdae weren't there, jongin just assumed they went for a second round of drinks.

he sighed and made his way to his room, taking off his clothes and throwing himself on bed. he started scrolling through instagram, finally finding the courage to follow taemin as they were at least acquaintances now.

when he decided to go to sleep, his mind didn't let him do so, his mind spinning with thoughts about everything that had happened the pst few days, taemin, sehun, baekhyun, comeback, all of it spinning inside his head and not letting him rest for his schedule the next day.

that night was one of many nights jongin stayed up until the morning

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