xxxi (end)

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taemin called his manager early next morning to tell him he had indeed made a decision.

after falling in and out of sleep for the whole night thinking about it he was completely sure that taking a small break was the wisest decision.

he was ready to hear an 'i told you so' from his manager but what he got instead was a tone of sympathy and encouragement. his manager was so kind he even let taemin stay home, telling him he would personally speak to their ceo about the matter.

in the few minutes the call lasted, reality really sunk in for taemin. he was officially on hiatus and it felt so different.

he wasn't expecting a party or any big event- it wasn't like he was leaving forever, but it still felt weird to finally have no schedules for the rest of the month; months, even.

taemin sat on his bed staring at nothing for a good while, just letting the feeling of being jobless set in, he was only interrupted by his phone vibrating next to him.

"hello?" he asked.

"it's me." jongin answered, a bit too chirpy.

"who told you." taemin frowned, wanting to have delivered the news to his boyfriend himself.

"no one, i just saw your manager sprinting towards the elevator and since you're not here i guess you chose to follow everyone's advice."

"hmm." taemin groaned.

"are you sad?" jongin asked, now with a more serious tone.

"hm. sad... i guess i'm not sad, but it does feel empty." taemin concluded.


"i am upset that i won't be able to sing for a while, but it also feels like i am going to waste my time doing nothing while i could be doing my job, which i love." taemin was now lying down back in his bed, he suddenly felt the tiredness from last night.

"it hasn't even been a day yet, maybe you'll like it. you've been working for years and the longest break you took from singing was a mandatory one month break last year." jongin sighed.

"i'll... i guess you're right. it just doesn't feel that good right now, i don't even like the idea of it." taemin huffed.

it was silent for a bit before taemin asked, "will you come over later when you're not busy?" his voice barely above a whisper.

"of course, baby." taemin blushed and after saying goodbye to jongin he turned around a pressed his face on his cold pillow, trying to lower the temperature on his face.


"tae.." taemin heard as he gently tried to open his eyes.

he had planned on taking a short nap in the morning but judging by the lighting- or the lack thereof, he had slightly overslept.

"jongin..?" taemin's voice was hoarse and he was slightly sniffling.

"did you sleep through the whole day?" jongin sat down, reaching out a hand to push his bangs out of his face.

"and i'm still tired... let me sleep." taemin made a shooing gesture at jongin and turned his body to face the wall.

taemin expected some kind of protest from the younger boy but there was only silence. the older thought that maybe he hd actually shooed jongin away so he turned his head just to check only to be surprised by a half naked jongin on the process of taking off his pants.

"o-oh!" taemin exclaimed, quickly pulling the comforter over his head, "sorry!"

jongin only chuckled started to make his way to the bed.

"scooch over." jongin made himself comfortable as he laid down right beside the man.

taemin internally slapped himself for acting like a teenager and bravely popped his head out only to almost hide it again when jongin stared right at him.

"i'm sleeping here tonight." jongin announced.

"that much i can tell." taemin grumbled, lifting up the comforter so jongin can come closer.

jongin didn't move in closer like taemin expected but he did lay the tip of the comforter over his leg.

"how did you get in?" taemin asked, now noticing how the boy just suddenly showed up.

"your manager let me in." jongin smiled sneakily as he finally moved in a little closer to wrap an arm around taemin's torso.

"you know, you don't need to completely put your life on hold just to take a little break. yeah, you can't sing for a while but you can still dance and write songs. you could maybe join a class on something you like." jongin whispered right beside taemin's ear.

for a moment taemin almost forgot what jongin had just said.

"you're right." taemin nodded and leaned in to kiss jongin, square on the lips.

jongin moved his hand further up taemin's body, his fingers curling around the older's hair. they stayed there for a while, lazily kissing eachother and their limbs slowing becoming tangled on one another.

"it's going to be okay, i'll be there with you every step of the way. you'll recover quickly and go back to singing soon, tae." jongin smiled and caressed the side of taemin's face.

"i love you, jongin. i really do." taemin moved his head closer to the younger man and pressed their noses together.

"i love you too." jongin whispered and watched as taemin closed his eyes an drifted into sleep.

he knew that this was only the start for them.


i'm sorry for the corny ending!!
i really didn't know how to finish this story but it has been going on for too long and i had to close it up.

this was my first fanfiction so it's not that good but i tried my best to at least make it enjoyable!

thank you for reading!!

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