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for the rest of the afternoon they went to the pool, played card games and various things in between. some of them even tried to take a nap, but the anticipation of being called to the ceo's room during a company holiday was scary.

jongin couldn't focus as he kept thinking the worst- the worst being having to go back early for some random interview or last minute performance.

yixing and him kept close to one another all evening, balancing each other and trying to distract themselves by doing useless things.

"should we just go now? it's 6:49 and i'm too curious. the faster we get this over with, the faster i can go to sleep with a clear mind." jongdae let out in the middle of a game of fifa and surprisingly, everyone agreed that would be best.

"for once we all agree on something, and it's just because we all want to sleep already." yixing laughed as the large group made their way to the ceo's room that was one floor above theirs.

"i mean, i'm pretty curious what this is going to be about. imagine the rest of them." jongin looked at the others as they all squeezed in to fit in the same elevator.

jongin had lied, he kind of could guess what it was about. after taemin had told him that special information about baekhyun and sehun, he'd been pretty aware that sometime this week their ceo would talk to them about it.

"hell yeah we're curious. have you ever saw chanyeol put down the controller in the middle of a match? that was historical." minseok gasped dramatically.

"fuck off." chanyeol pouted.


"ah, well, come in guys." sooman said as junmyeon opened the door to their ceo's room which was already slightly ajar.

"excuse us, sir." junmyeon gavs their ceo a little smile before motioning the rest of the boys to come in.

as all the boys struggled to fit in the older man's much smaller room with an obvious capacity that was much lower than the amount of people crowding in it, sooman got up and got his phone from the counter.

"well, i have some intresting news you guys might like..." the man cleared his voice, "first take a seat, anywhere really."

jongin absolutely knew what was going on. he wanted to dash out of the door they just came from, go back to his room and hopefully rest a bit more before listening to what their ceo had to say.

"this is a situation we've been expecting but we all did not know when this eoulf happens or not." soo man continued as the guests tried to find a space to sit in the room that was too big for seven people. "i want to address this so you guys can reflect upon this before we get to the company tomorrow. sehun and baekhyun have terminated their indefinite hiatus status and they have been in south korea for a few days now."

baekhyun and sehun's name made everyone visibly stiffen in the room, jeongin felt sweat building up on the back of his neck even though he was wearing a tank top.

"since they've terminated their hiatus and are back to the country, we do expect them to join the activities from now on... of course if everyone is comfortable with it." the boys made a sound of approval, muffled with some 'yeah's and 'sure's, "i don't expect you all to immediately get used to their presence again but i will give you guys some time to talk with them tomorrow and catch up, okay? it's getting late, you guys should go back to your room now."

everyone stood up and bowed to their ceo, slowly exiting the room without a sound. they made their way back to their room in silence until kyungsoo suddenly stopped in front of their hotel room and turned around.

"i know it's sudden, but we all knew about this. there might be some of you guys that have more resentment towards them than others, but i expect us all to settle this so things can go back to normal. i especially expect that no one has any prejudice against them and if so, i expect you to get your shit together before we go meet them tomorrow. in spite of everything that happened, they're still our friends and without them we wouldn't be here right now." he finally opened the door after looking each member in the eye, "i'm going to sleep, good night everyone."

kyungsoo retreated back to his room and junmyeon let out a sigh, "he is perfectly right, rest well tonight guys, we have to be up by eight in the morning. good night." he let out before following kyungsoo into the room.

after that everyone dispersed to their former sleeping arrangements as jongin sat on his makeshift bed on the middle of the living room and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. he rubbed his palms over his face before letting out a sigh and throwing his upper body back towards his pillow.

he winced as his back slammed the ground but ignored it as he turned to close his eyes, hands tucked under his pillow and his body curling, jongin quickly fell into a state of deep slumber.

im sorry i'm not updating as frequently (ha look at me i used to update monthly or every two weeks and now i haven't updated for months :') ) i'll try my best updating more but i feel like i'm making this too cheesy? idk i'm getting the cringy vibes as i write this. i also apologize for my bad writing and any mistakes you might find, im bad at this ;-; please do correct me if you find any spelling mistakes, and thanks for reading this shitty story i really appreciate it.

AAAAA  also, sorry for all the filler chapters.

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