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it turned out to be a yes.

jongin and taemin debated for over twenty minutes about whether it was a good idea for taemin to keep a cat in his very fitting apartment.

in the end, taemin gave up due to the fact that even when it started raining, jongin still sat there silently protesting about the matter at hand.

now it was 2 a.m. and jongin had already gone back to his dorm, saying he would come back tomorrow to take taemin and the cat to shop.

taemin sat on his bed, starting at the white (after giving it a water bath on the sink, they could finally see the color of his fur) cat who was currently licking his legs.

"what is your name?" taemin asked.

the cat momentarily looked up at taemin before resuming his business.

"you look like a lucky or a sam." taemin tilted his head, still intensely starring at the cat.

"lucky?" the cat looked up again and taemin nodded, "i like this name too. do you wanna be called lucky."

the cat meowed and taemin took it as an affirmative meow.

"are you hungry?" the cat meowed, "what do you want to eat?"

taemin snapped out of it, by gently slapping his face, "what am i doing."

he picked up the cat and headed towards the kitchen, fishing out some raw beef out of his fridge which immediately sparked a reaction on lucky as he started to squirm and meow, "you like some beef? well, i do too."


"where are we going?" taemin adjusted the black mask on his face as jongin dragged him out of his apartment, lucky inside a carrier jongin had bought before heading to taemin's apartment.

"the pet shop and the vet, i already told you at least eight times." jongin rolled his eyes.

it took about ten minutes from taemin's house to arrive at the nearest vet and after a fourty minute visit and a conclusion that lucky was overall healthy but kind of malnourished, they went to a pet shop which was taemin's worst nightmare.

"the snake isn't going to jump out taemin, we just have to get lucky a collar, food and toys and we're out of here, c'mon" jongin forcibly dragged taemin to the cat food section.

"wait i have to get this call, it's minho." taemin rapidly took his vibrating phone from his back pocket and showed it to jongin who simply gave him a fake smile and shooed him with his hands.

taemin avoided the snake habitat as he made a full circle to exit the store and when he was out he finally answered minho's call, "hey, what's up?"

"our manager is asking if you still have a sore throat. he's worried that it might be something serious."

taemin rolled his eyes. a few weeks back he had made a passing comment after a performance that his throat was hurting whenever he tried to reach the high notes he usually reached.

"it's fine, maybe i was in the process of catching a cold. don't think too much about it." taemin smiled and after an exchange of 'goodbye's, he hung up.

"there. they said the cat food will be delivered by noon, he gave lucky some food so he wouldn't be hungry until then so all we need to carry... is this." jongin said while exiting the store, shoving lucky's carrier to taemin as he himself carried a bag of toys and a box with a cat tower inside.

"isn't this a bit too much? i mean, we got the cat yesterday..." jongin dismissed taemin's comment as he walked ahead to ask for a taxi.


"have you talked to sehun or baekhyun yet?" taemin asked when they finished building lucky's tower.

jongin frowned as he took each toy from its packaging, "i didn't. they slept over yixing's house and i heard they're meeting with a real estate agent today."

"so you did ask about them at least..."

"did not! yixing just... happened to mention it when he called me earlier." jongin furrowed his eyebrows in his concentrated state, as if opening packaging really needed that much attention.

"alright..." taemin chuckled, standing up, "i'm gonna get something to drink, what do you want-"

taemin stood up too fast and tripped on a toy, making him lose his balance and fall forward where jongin was able to cushion his fall, making them lay in a very awkward position with taemin pratically on jongin's stomatch and younger's head on the floor.

"ouch..." jongin complained, still looking at taemin.

taemin noticed how many light freckles jongin had before he could notice he was starring.

"oh! ah, i'm..." taemin's face probably matched up with jongin's as they both simultaneously turned crimson over this very unexpected situation.

"hey, tae. i brought some food so we should discuss about the voice thing..." minho suddenly appeared from the doorway, carrying two white plastic bags and a blank expression.

"oh, am i...?" minho's speechlessness sunk in faster than taemin would have liked as he threw himself off of jongin, making him hit his shoulder on the floor with a little shriek and jongin who was on his feet in a matter of seconds.

"ah... i need to go, i have a... yeah. bye." without looking back, jongin grabbed his wallet from the counter and ran out the front door.

after watching jongin dash out of taemin's apartment, minho slowly turned his head to taemin's figure on the floor.

"okay, we do have important matters to discuss but not before you tell me what the hell just happened."

taemin groaned and sunk in closer to the floor, covering his face with his hands.

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