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"that little one right there is my sister, taehee." taemin pointed at one of the girls.

taehee, was small but she looked much more mature than all the girls there. she had her straight black hair, just as taemin's but on a ponytail and reached her shoulders and was wearing a pink crop hoodie that matched taemin's hoodie too. jongin didn't think there were siblings that looked more alike than taehee and taemin.

"taehee, this is my friend, jongin. he'll be joining me while i babysit you all." taemin sighed.

taehee scowled at taemin and quickly smiled at jongin, "he isn't babysitting anyone, he just wanted to come because he knew boys were going to be here. talking about them..." taehee stood up and waved behind us.

me and taemin turned towards where she was waving and six boys came into view, them clearly older than the girls present, maybe two or three years older jongin concluded.

jongin turned to taemin who had a straight face as he stared at all the boys individually.

"hey, taehee, soojin, hyejin..." the boys greeted each one of the girls before they all stood up to walk past jongin and taemin.

jongin even heard a small and quick 'is that kai from exo?' before they were too distant to hear anything.

taemin sighed and put his mask back on, jongin did the same.

"taehee seems like she's really popular, she's pretty too, she looks just like you actually." jongin commented as they started to slowly follow suit of the large groups of young teenagers.

"ah yeah, she's a good girl. although sometimes she thinks her own shit doesn't stink but the rest of the time she's pretty chill." taemin nodded to himself.

jongin was always so surprised to hear an idol curse in front of him or use vulgar phrases just because he was used to seeing their perfect self on tv. taemin wasn't an exception, jongin was even more shocked since taemin was known to be the cheeky innocent one of his group, but then jongin would remind himself he was hanging out with lee taemin, not shinee's taemin.

"wait, is that bastard fucking touching her?" taemin furrowed his brows and suddenly started to take long strides rowards them.

taemin's sudden louder voice interrupted jongin's line of thought as he now rapidly tried to grab taemin but it was already too late. taemin, as short as he was considered to be, towered over the pre-adolescents and bumped onto the guy who was about to snake his arm around taehee's waist.

"sorry, bro." taemin winked and grabbed taehee's arm, at the same time looking back to jongin, "hey! i just had an idea let's go to starbucks, it's almost eight, i'm starving!"

jongin was kind of confused by the use of 'starving' and 'starbucks' in the same sentence but rolled with it since taemin was really out of it right now.

jongin ordered a chai latte with vanilla and for taemin he ordered the same but without vanilla since, in taemin's words, 'he was on a diet'.

sitting down on the table was awkward, what was even awkwarder was taemin making taehee sit on the last chair on the table and then sitting next to her, as if making a barrier to block all of her friends.

jongin sighed and sat down in front of taehee (to stop taemin's frantic gestures towards jongin to do so) and shared a look with taemin's sister, both in which clearly stated, what the hell is he doing?

after a few minutes of taehee just sitting there with a miserable face while her friends talked away without her, taemin excused himself to go to the bathroom. as soon as he did taehee looked at jongin in a desperate attempt of getting out of this situation.

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