17. The Other 13 episodes?

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With the series cancelled, Lew Grade only commissioned a set of thirteen episodes, ten already filmed and three more ready to film. Evidence has however proven that the series was originally intended to last 26 episodes, but resulting in only half the amount produced. As revealed in Stanley Unwin's contract, he was set to play the character of Father Unwin for the 26 episode run of the series. Plans were of course well in preparation, including some that were obviously written up ready to begin production, dialogue recorded and so forth. There has yet to be any evidence as to what the other 13 episodes really would have been, perhaps the quality of the last thirteen episodes was higher than the 13 actually made. My theory is that the last episode was to feature a flashback episode where Father Unwin and Matthew look back on three of their favourite adventures, as the last four puppet shows had followed this trend and is an easy way to make up the lost time of episodes that involve more time in filming. Perhaps someday the scripts will be recovered, or the plans for the remaining episodes will be revealed fifty years from originally being written, which could be viewed as the lost series...

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