Chapter Thirteen: When I Saw You

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The ride to school was uneventful. Samantha was quietly worrying, as she stood on the bus, just as usual.

Mostly about Jason. What would happen at the dance? What if she accidentally revealed the fact that she might like him more than a friend? What if... What if they kissed?!

No. Impossible. Jason was extremely unpredictable, but kissing his best friend was not going to be on his list. It was just a big no no. And it wasn't just that; Samantha had never been kissed in her life, so if that did happen, how was she going to react? Not only that, but she knew for a fact Jason was a rough kisser. She had accidentally walked in on him and some blond bombshell making out, and it had looked intense. She dreaded to think what had happened in that room, after she had muttered an awkward apology and stumbled out, mumbling curses.

Why was she even thinking about kissing? Obviously it wouldn't happen. Jason and her were just best friends, nothing more, nothing less.

However, a small, dark part of Samantha was wishing they were more. And that part of her, she found so disgusting, she could barf. Love was a stupid emotion, a conventional feeling.
She had only ever felt it for her mother. And we'll, sometimes with Jason, but only platonically.

She pulled her hat a little more down. She hadn't put on any make up, it wasn't as if she had any. What was the use? It was only a friends thing. Everyone who thought they were an item, could go to hell.

But what if they did end up as an item? That dark part of Samantha was beginning to question what it could be like to be in a relationship. Although she wasn't interested in any men, she felt ready to experience her first romance, even if it wasn't with Jason.
Wait. She wanted it to be with Jason? Confused and conflicted, Samantha shook her head, trying to rid any thoughts on the previous matter.

Instead, to distract herself, she stared out of the window of the bus. She'd noticed it had started to rain. Great. Way to ruin her costume. After she'd got off the bus, she quickly ran inside, dripping slightly. She squeezed her hat, to get the remaining water out, before looking at some wandering students around the hallways. Most of them were talking, however there were a few couples making out in discreet corners, behind the lockers. Samantha looked around, and heard some thumping music coming from the hall, where she supposed all the partying was going down.

Hastily, she made her way there. She listened, before she entered, and quickly recognized the song as "Call Me" by Blondie, one of her mum's favourite bands. She smiled, and opened the door.

The volume was definitely louder inside, as she watched the load of students dancing, laughing, eating, talking... It was a swirling mass of bodies, all with different colours and sensations flashing in front of her eyes, as she stared at the sea of people, she walked forward tentively, trying to spot Jason.

Then, as if by magic, he entered on the other side of the room, through the other set of double doors. Their eyes met at the same time, and suddenly the talking drowned out, as the two stared at each other from across the hall.

Samantha had never seen Jason wearing a suit and tie, and it was better than she'd expected. He hadn't slicked back his hair or anything, yet he just looked more like the ward of Bruce Wayne, in a way. She suddenly felt very cheap in her thrown together outfit.
They stared at each other for a bit more, before taking several steps towards each other, until they were a metre apart. The music was still faint in their ears, but everyone else in the room faded out.

"You... You wanna dance?" Jason breathed, still staring at her, as if she was an art exhibit.

"Ok," she muttered, taking his outstretched hand. Slowly, they began to dance, wildly out of time with the upbeat sound of the song. They were almost touching another world. Samantha had never felt like this, completely out of touch with reality, and she was loving it.

They danced for a fleeting thirty seconds or so, before they both stopped abruptly, and pulled away from each other in unison.
"I've never felt like this," Jason confessed, turning slightly red.

"Same," Samantha replied softly.

"You look nice," he complimented.

"You too," Samantha allowed herself to smirk, "you look good in a suit."

Jason chuckled at her antics. Then he leaned forward ever so slightly. Samantha instinctively moved back. "I'm not kidding," Jason said. "You look absolutely stunning."

He wasn't lying, the tone in his voice couldn't be faked. He started to lean forward some more, before Samantha said something to stop him. Anything, just to stop him from making her feel this way, just to stop him from letting her go head first into the one thing she thought she'd never feel.

"Tell me this isn't a fling," she said quietly. "Tell me it's not a joke."

"I never joke." Was all Jason uttered, before continuing his approach.

And Samantha gave in. She stopped telling herself to run, to punch him, to yell at him, to make a sarcastic comment. She just let her eyes close naturally, let her whole body relax, and even tilted her head up a little. She felt him move her hat upwards, and then she could feel his hot breath on her lips, and then-

It was a quiet shock, to feel his mouth on hers. It wasn't what she had expected, it had supposed to be all tough and slobbery. It was none of those things. It was soft, and gentle, and loving.

Jason was good at this. Well, to be fair, he'd had tons of practice, right?

Samantha found herself, slipping into a trance, where the only thing that mattered was Jason, and he was also the only thing in the world. She was silently enjoying the moment, still hearing the music in the background. Thank God no one was interfering though.

Time went on a stroll, and didn't bother to come back in time for tea. It left the two of them, Jason still kissing her happily. Samantha honestly didn't give a damn about the time, right now. She couldn't care less.
After some minutes- or maybe a couple of hours- or possibly several sunlit days- they broke apart. Jason was in fact the one who left first, and Samantha was a little disappointed. The next thing she knew, she was sucking up air like a quiet hover.

"Finally," muttered Jason. "So... What did you think, princess?"

"It was ok," Samantha admitted. "For a boy."

"So you liked it?" He pestered.

"Kind of," she shrugged vaguely.

"I knew you would," Jason said, laughing slightly.

"Look," Samantha said worriedly. "Can we talk about what just happened when this thing is over? I just... Wanna have fun."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Ok. You called it."

They ate too much, commented rudely at random school kids, hijacked the speakers to play "Sound of The Police" as if the kiss had never happened.
Samantha wasn't really aware that this would be the last night she'd be Jason's best friend.

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