Chapter one

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I looked at the time, it was 5 pm already. 'Why isn't he home yet?" Jack closes from office and comes home immediately after. It's been an hour already. I frowned looking at the clock. Maybe he was very busy? Or had somewhere to be? I dialed his number. "The number you're calling cannot be reached.' It said.

I sighed. I heard a car pull up. Ah! He's back. I arranged my hair waiting for my husband to come in. The first thing he normally does is attack me with kisses and with a warm smile planted on his face but it wasn't so this time.

Jack walked in with anger plastered on his face. He glared at me. " What happened?" I asked him. "You whore!" He snarled.

"You thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you? You behave all innocent. You thought you could trick me, fucking other guys behind my back, you slut!" His words were venom.

"What are you talking about, Jack? What do you mean I sl-" he cuts me off?

"Don't you dare act like you don't know what I am talking about?" He screamed.

"I do not know what you're talking about, Jack!" I screamed back.

"So you're not going to admit it?"

"Admit what?!" I was frustrated.

"That you cheated on me."

"I didn't cheat on you!"

"A liar and a slut!" He spat angrily.

I couldn't believe he would think I would cheat on him, we've been together for 2 years already. We've loved each other for two years now, isn't that enough for him to trust me?

"I didn't cheat on you! Why won't you believe me!" I screamed at him.

He scoffed and stuffed his hand in his left pocket. He brought out a picture of me on a bed, with an unknown guy. What? I don't remember that, where did he get that from?

"You didn't cheat on me? Then what is this, how are you the one in this picture?" he glared at me.

"You have to believe me, Jack, this isn't me." I pleaded and tried reaching out to him, but he ducked away.

"My private secretary, investigated in this issue, the person in this picture is you," he sneered.

"Get out of my house, we're done." he spat. No, no, he can't do this to me... Not when I don't have anywhere to go, not when I'm...

"No please, Jack, you can't do this, that isn't me in the picture, someone must be trying to frame me please..." I pleaded.

"Oh someone is trying to frame you? What a pathetic excuse." He said.

He called for security. "Go up to her room, bring down her stuff," he ordered the security man.

"Please! I didn't cheat on you. Why won't you believe me?! I love you so much. Why would I cheat on you?"

"Perhaps you're a gold digger," he said coldly. This wasn't the Jack I knew. The Jack I knew wouldn't do this. I wanted to believe that I was in a dream. This can't be real.

The security man came back minutes later.

"No, please. I didn't cheat on them, I promise, I have no idea why that person looks so much like me, but she isn't me.." I pleaded.

He motioned for the security to take me away. "please! I'm with child! I am with your child, Jack! Your baby!"

He laughed suddenly. It was a bitter laugh. "Oh Lily, we both know that bastard isn't mine." He snarled.

"It's yours! I have never been with any other man! You're the only man have ever been with, I swear!"

"Cut the crap! To find the man who implanted that bastard in you. I want nothing to do with a whore or with the bastard child in you." He snarled.

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