Chapter Fourteen

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I moved away from him. What was doing? I looked up at his face, it held passion, love, etc.

Did he still love me? But I know I did not have the same feelings I had for him a few years back.

"uh... Thank you for bringing her here." I wanted to tell him this 'thank you for bringing her here. You can go now. You are not needed here anymore.'

But that would be plain rude and stupid of me, especially when he helped. But I didn't feel comfortable around him.

I turned back to look at Layla, I was trying to avoid his eyes. I could feel his stares burning through me.

"she is my child, right?" he asked and my heart stopped. I knew he was talking about Carrie. Oh god.

"w-who?" I asked playing dumb. He might have already found out. Now I can't help but feel scared that he might take her away from me.

He was going to reply when his phone rang. He went out for the call. I sighed. The thought of losing Daisy is something else. He can't do that.

Relax Lily, no one has said anything about him taking her away from you." my subconscious said.

But that didn't stop me from worrying, why else would he be asking me that?

"I have to go now." I heard him say. I wish he wouldn't come back.

"Okay," I replied.

"if you need anything, I'd be a phone call away."

"Okay." was all I said. But there was no way I was going to call him.

"When will I meet her?" he asked. Carrie? Of course, he was talking about Carrie.

"I'd be of chance on Saturday, can I see her then?"

"uh... Sure."

"okay. Bye," he said smiling. No doubt he was very handsome... But he is nowhere near Xavier.

Xavier must only be a few inches taller than him. Was I comparing them now? Seriously?

And he was going to see Daisy. Relax, they would just see each other.

I turned back to Layla. "I saw your letter, Layla. but I don't understand what I should do in your workplace. But if it's something so important... I guess I'd have to do it."


After I had talked to Layla yesterday, even when I know she couldn't reply to me, I had gone back to Xavier's place, even when he wasn't around.

I was planning on getting an apartment where I could stay together with Carrie

I hope Layla would be fine, then she could come live with me and Carrie in our apartment.

I was getting ready to go to Layla's workplace. I don't have to go to my workplace because Xavier wasn't around.

Layla was a flight attendant. And the uniform was beautiful, maybe she was a high-level flight attendant?

I giggled at that. I put it on, it fits me just fine. I styled my hair and applied a bit of makeup.

"mommy? when will you be back?" Carrie asked. "I'd be back by 2 pm. When I am coming, I'd buy something for you."

"something like what?" she has never asked me that before. She was getting wiser.

"uh... Cupcake?" she beamed at this, before nodding her head.

"hmm hmm," she hummed in reply.

"Okay, you're going to stay with Zara, okay?"

"yes, mommy. I like Zara."

She likes everyone. "okay sweetie, I'd see you later." I said as Zara came to us.

"thank you so much, Zara." I thanked her. She smiled and nodded her head.

"no problem ma'am."

"uh, do not call me that, it makes me feel old." we both laugh at this.

"bye," she said.

"bye, mommy," Carrie said.

I walked out of the house, going to take a cab.

This is for you, Layla.

Soon I reached there. The building was huge but not as huge as my working place.

Which was weird because this is an airport and my working place was a business place.

I calmed my nerves before walking in. I had to walk professionally because that was how a stewardess walk right?

And I saw the way Layla was walking with hills, can I ever walk like that? No. It was impossible for me.

When I got in people were smiling at me. Seems like Layla is quite famous here.

I just have to look for a man named James Cornell.

I looked around. I was lost.

A lady walked. "ms. Hayden, we have a meeting with the boss in twenty minutes, please come on time she hates tardiness."

"uh... Okay, please do you know where I could find James Cornell?" I asked.

She looked taken aback. Did I say something wrong?

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"no-no. It's just you never say 'please' but Mr. Cornell is in unit 1 board." she said and I smiled.

"Thank you very much." she wore the same look of surprise once more. I guess Layla wasn't being nice to them either.

I walked around looking for unit 1. Soon I found it after asking some people.

I saw a man, maybe in his late 40s. "ah. Layla. I was waiting for you." he had 'Mr. Cornell's on his suit.

My eyes widened as he came closer to me. He held my shoulders, it was almost like he was going to kiss me.

"you have a meeting now with the boss, she has already arrived. You don't want to get fired."

What was he going to give me? A kiss? No no. It must be something else.



"are you not James Cornell?" I asked.

"no, I'm Frederick Cornell," he replied. I wasted my time for nothing?!

"who is James Cornell."

"he left a while ago."

A bewildered look crossed my face.

"you look so cute today." he complimented. This wasn't the time for that! I missed him. If Layla finds out, she would kill me for sure.

"you have to go to the meeting now, the boss might fire you."

If I get Layla fired, she would kill me, for real. "uh... Thank you."

I have to go to the bathroom to wash my face! "where is the meeting holding."

"you don't know where?"

I to punch this guy, but that would create drama.


"it's at unit 3, it's not far from here." he made directions and I hurried to the place.

When I got there I stopped at the door and sighed before opening it. Everyone was already seated.

Except for She was the boss. Her head whipped to the door to see me.

She was their boss?! "you." she sneered immediately she noticed me.

Oh crap.

The Ex-Wife's Billionaire Lover || EditingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang