Chapter Twenty Seven

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What does this mean though? Are we dating already? Of course not silly. Then why had he brought me here?

"I-is that why you brought me here?"


"Are we dating?" I don't know where that came from, it slipped out of my mouth.

He looked amused. "No."

"Then... W-why do I have to see them?"

"They wanted to see the lady I love." He said bluntly. Oh, a blush crept to my face. I smiled shyly, tucking my hair beside my ear. But then I remembered his mother.

No doubt she hated me. I bent down and carried Daisy in my arm. "Come." He held my hand, i blushed harder.

We stopped at a table. I noticed how his mother's smile dropped when she saw me.

My stomach churned. "Dad, meet Lily..." He looked at me before he continued. "My girlfriend."

His girlfriend?!

"Such a beautiful young lady! Nice to meet you, I'm Xander." He introduced.

No doubt he was a kind man, unlike his wife. She looked at me weirdly before faking a smile. "Nice to meet you again, Lily." She said.

Xander raised an eyebrow at Carrie in my arms. "She is my child, Daisy." I expected him to get angry or something but instead, he smiled at Daisy chuckling.

"What a beautiful child you have. Hi angel."

"Hi." I heard Daisy's voice.

"A good choice Xavier, even her aura is amazing, ah, Lily please have a seat."

Should I say I wasn't expecting this at all? Yes.

Opening a seat for me, he motioned for me to sit down. The seat was next to Xavier's mother. I still had no clue what was her name.

"Let's dine," Xander said taking a seat and so did Xavier. I noticed Carrie staring at the food with widened eyes, probably wondering what the big brown long thing on the table was.

Everyone took their cutleries and started eating. It felt weird being here... And uncomfortable because of the glares some ladies are throwing my way.

A lady came beside me asking if she could take Daisy, saying madam Xylia had asked for her.

Who was Xylia?

Xander. Xavier. Xylia.

Oh. It must be Xavier's sister. I looked at Xavier who gave me a nod. "Okay baby, come." She said playfully to Carrie

Carrie finally jumped off me after some time, when she heard ice cream.

"Eat." I heard Xavier say, I rolled my eyes before picking up the cutleries and started eating.

It was silent until Xander broke it. "So Lily, tell me, how are your parents?" He asked taking me off guard. You could say my parents were still a sensitive topic for me.

"They are deceased," Xavier answered for me. "Oh. I'm sorry for your loss, Lily." He said.

"Thank you," I replied. Then it was silent again.

This reminds me so much of the first day I met Jack's parents. Both had been nice to me. My eyes moved to Xavier who was looking at me.

I blush. Had he been staring? They were suddenly talking about business matters.

Did I mention a couple was sitting with us?

"Excuse me," I said getting up. I don't know my way around but the balcony was pretty easy to find.

All I needed at that moment was fresh air. Meeting new people for the first time and having dinner with them wasn't all that easy.

I smiled as the cold air met my face. Just what I needed. The view was beautiful.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Startled, I turned around to see Xavier. No seriously, how can a person be so beautiful?

His plumped lips look so kissable.

Kissable? Kissable?!

"Yes. It's so beautiful." He move closer to the array and touched it our hands touched, and butterflies suddenly filled in my stomach.

We were silent for a while but I broke it. "You told your dad I am your girlfriend, w-why would you do that?"

"I don't know..." He paused. "You don't want to be my girlfriend?" He continued with a smirk.

My face turned pink, was he asking me to be his girlfriend? "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked shyly.

"No... Would you be if I asked you?" My face turned from pink to red.

He chuckled. It was so rich. "You look cute when you do... That."

It only got redder, control yourself! I'm trying!

"Thank you."

"What's your answer?" He asked.

What was he talking about? The answer of what? "You've forgotten? Is your IQ that low?" He asked. Damn him!

I scowled. "Excuse me! My IQ is just fine-" he cuts me off.

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow. My scowl deepened. "And you don't remember what we were saying earlier."

Was he talking about being his girlfriend thing? I frowned confusedly. "Stop making that face, it doesn't suit you." He said.

The nerves of this man.

But my frown dropped into a smile. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. Seriously, you're acting like you're a high school girl whose crush just spoke to her for the first time! My subconsciousness screamed at me.

What should I say? I mean there was no doubt I like Xavier. My eyes moved to his eyes.

I got lost in it for a while. My legs moved without the permission of my brain, moving closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed him, he froze at first but kissed me back. It was passionate, my body yearning for more.

Bringing me closer to him, the kiss went deeper. A moaned. Every part of my body he touched wanted more.

We finally broke away, panting heavily, I can't believe we had made out. Realizing what just happened, I looked away, trying to hide my now pink face.

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