Chapter Two

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Why did I have to talk back at him? I hit myself in the head, frustrated. Look where my big mouth has landed me.

I blinked looking at the man and woman before me; I pleaded with my eyes. "Please, Is there anything I could do to...." I didn't finish. But the guy shook his head no. The lady looked at me with no emotion on her face.

I can't miss this opportunity, not when I needed money. The man gestured for me to go out. I sighed walking out.

I wanted to scream. This was a great opportunity I just missed. All because I couldn't humble myself. But... To think about it, it's the stupid big ego boss' fault! Couldn't handle a little insult.

But... Now I see why they call him Mr. Sexy...

Seriously? I've gone crazy.

Where would I get another job? It took me 2 horrible years to get this job and now I just lost it?

Oh god. It'd be really hard to find another job. What was I thinking?!

Trust me... I need this job... And the money. It was my only source and hope for making a good living.

Maybe Mr. Sexy might pardon me, but he doesn't seem like a guy who forgives. I mean, his whole demeanor was cold.

Mr. Sexy?

I have gone crazy.

I shouldn't let go of this opportunity so easily. I had to plead with him. I just had to.

I stood by the gate. I was really hungry, but I had to stay here so I won't miss him.

I waited for what seemed like years, the gate finally opened, a luxury car came out, it was him.

I quickly walked to the front of the car. I waved for him to stop. For a moment I thought the car was going to hit me. It stopped an inch from me. I sighed in relief. Imagine if he had hit me. No charges would even be brought against him. He's rich and powerful.

He slowly got out of the car. He raised an eyebrow, questioningly. "You shouldn't be here, Miss Hayden. You have no business." He said calmly. As if he hadn't just fired someone for standing for herself. I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. Humble yourself.

But... He knows my name... Wow. Mind blown.

"Uhm. I want to say... I am sorry for earlier. I truly am. If you'd just forget what happened... And for-" He cuts me off.

"If you have nothing to say, Miss Hayden, I suggest you take your leave. I don't want nuisance like you here." He said. That was it. This bastard!

I scowled at him. Just couldn't bear it.

"Nuisance? Do you think I'm a nuisance here? excuse me you are-" he cuts me off.

"Enough of this drama, Miss Hayden, you're not a staff here so you're not allowed here." He said it like I was some sort of virus deadly to this place.

How I wanted to kick his guts. I glared at him.

"You know, there are other places where I could find a great job, a place better than this God's forsaken place and with good pay. I know what you want me to do, you want me to go on my knees and beg you, well news flash Mr! That's not happening." I said angrily. I saw him smirk.

I waved my purse at his face before turning around to walk away, I didn't bother to look at his reaction.

I walked fast well until I was close to my house.

I walked home with slow strides. How was I going to tell Sam and Dana how I messed up? I had to look for another job. But I have to keep working at the restaurant I was working to have at least something.

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