Chapter Thirteen

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My heart almost dropped. I had to go back immediately. I hope she was fine. Oh god. I quickly ran back to the meeting room. They weren't done. Just my luck.

I can't wait. I need a quick flight back to Los Angeles. But we were in another country! With tears in my eyes, I walked to Xavier.

"c-can I talk to you, precisely now? Please." I asked. He rolled his eyes but stopped when he noticed some tears in my eyes.

"excuse me," he said. before standing up and walking out. Immediately we reached outside.

"what do you want?" he asked like it was the most casual thing to ask at that moment. This is not the time for me to get mad...

"c-can you book a flight for me to go back?" he tensed at this. Then glared at me.

"I'm sorry miss Hayden, but that can't be done. We're not done here." he might add I'm sorry, but he didn't and wasn't sorry.

"please. I beg of you. I'd do anything. You can add to my schedule after this. I-i don't mind." I pleaded.

"and what are you going to do back there." I can't tell him. No.

"it's an uh... My cousin is getting married and she wants me to be there..." I lied. He raised an eyebrow at this.

"cousin?" he asked. Did he know I was lying? No, I don't think he knows. But I was a very bad liar.

"yes, she wants me there. The wedding is close, I want to... Surprise her." I said.

His eyes searched for something in my face. I looked down hoping he won't see through my lies.

"okay. But then, I would have someone go with you."

"no. I can go myself, please." I answered immediately. He was enjoying my pleadings with him. Ugh! Such a psycho. I mentally rolled my eyes.

I looked up at his face. I should remind you he was so much taller than me. Even his fiancee was so much taller than me.

Why do I have to bring his fiancee now! I mentally hit my head. He looked amused by this.



After I had pleaded with Xavier for only god knows how long. He had let me go. I just got to LA with Carrie.

That Xavier was probably created to frustrate my existence. He has been doing that for a long time now.

Carrie was asleep, so I dropped her in her room. Right now I was on my way to Layla's place. My heart was beating so fast from the fear. I hoped nothing had happened to her.

Soon I was in front of her house. I rushed in entering her apartment. It was dead silent. "Layla?" I called.

I looked around. I saw a written note next to our family picture. I went to get it.

'please Lily, if you ever get this, do not let Lester get away with this and my hard work. Please. On Monday next week please go to the place I work. You can take my uniform when you get there. Look for a man named James Cornell. He would give it to you.'

I didn't understand anything. She must have written this in a hurry. But where was she... Was she dead? Nonono. It can't be.

I walked out and immediately saw her neighbor. When she saw me, she looked scared.

"L-Layla?" she asked petrified.

"no-no, I am Lily, her twin sister."

She froze. She probably didn't believe me.

"do you know where she is?" I asked her.

"i-in the hospital."


I was in the hospital right now. Looked for the room my sister was in. I have been crying, my eyes were already swollen. Soon I found it.

I entered. I saw her. She was lying on the hospital bed with things on her.

I almost fell to the ground with the condition she was in right now. I quickly rushed to her wanting to touch her hand. But there was a glass blocking me or anyone from touching her.

It was to prevent infection. But I wanted to stay close to her. I didn't want to lose her...

"Layla." I cried.

Third person's pov:

Jack walked into the room Layla was in. He had come here to see how she was doing because she reminded him so much of his ex-wife. He loved Lily so much.

He saw a lady crying on the protector glass Layla was in. The lady was crying so hard. He recognized her. She was his love. Lily.

All he wanted to do at that moment was hold her.

Lily spurned around to see Jack. She was surprised that he was there. What what is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is he doing here? She thought.

"I brought her here. I had gone to see a friend of mine when I noticed her."

Although it was a lie, this was an opportunity he could get closer to her. He wasn't going to throw this opportunity away.

He moved closer to her. Pulling her close to him, he hugged her. Lily didn't have the strength to push him away and at that moment she needed somebody's shoulder to cry on.

She cried.

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