Chapter Three

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It felt like I was in the sky, wherever I am was so soft. And it smelt nice too. I wonder where I was, probably in heaven... It felt so good. I smiled. I never want to leave this place. I used my hand to rub wherever I was laid, my eyes still shut.

Where was I? I didn't care. Memories from last night suddenly flew into my brain. I shot my eyes open. Oh my God. Where was I? Where is Carrie? Oh my God.

I shot up from the bed. I took a look around. My wandering eyes stopped at Xavier who was sitting on a rocking chair just across the room.


What was he doing here? I had no doubt he was the one behind this. He took my child away from me. Oh my God. What if he's harmed her. He's a monster, I don't think he would think twice before harming a child.

"Carrie," I muttered repetitively. I turned to look at him again.

"Where is my child? What did you do to my child, I swear to God, if anything happens to her I'd light you on fire!" I threatened. At this time, I was already off the bed.

He didn't reply instead he just sat down there, he raised an eyebrow.

"I asked where the fuck is my baby?!" I screamed. He still did not reply. His eyes were on me. He was enjoying this. I wanted to burst out in cries. He just stared blankly at me.

"Please, please I beg of you, just show me, my child. Please, whatever I did to you is between us, don't bring an innocent child into this." I pleaded. Tears gathered in my eyes. He kept me quiet for two minutes straight then said.

"She is alright." He said.

"Where is she? Please just show me where she is." I pleaded.

He pointed to a door, I looked at him, then quickly rushed to where he pointed at. There was my Carrie, She was sleeping comfortably. She looked so peaceful. It was a relief. I stood there and watched her for a while. We had to get out of this place immediately. I couldn't stand being in the same place with this man. I heard footsteps behind me. I sharply turned to look. It was Xavier.

"I can do anything but harm a child." He said lowly. I still wanted to scream at him. Wanted to teach him a lesson for messing with me. But I couldn't scream.

I glared at the man before me. "Why did you bring me here? To go on my knees and beg? Is that what you want? It would be over my dead body!" I spat.

"You are very stubborn, aren't you?" He asked. His hands tucked in his pocket.

"Ya think? But do you know what I think you are? a pathetic big ego junk." I said. I wasn't good with insults so I just said the words that came to my mind.

"Is that how you're going to talk to a person who saved your life?" He asked. Wow, he must think he did something.

"Save? That's a huge word. You didn't save me, Xavier. You ruined my life all because you couldn't handle a little insult."

"Ruined your life?" He smirked. "I haven't done anything yet." He said.


"Just stay away from me Xavier, you don't know what I am capable of." I threatened.

"Is that a threat?"

"Yes. It is."

He laughed. Oh my goodness, he laughed. "You are very absurd. You should learn to keep your mouth shut, Ms. Hayden. It's gonna get you into serious distress. You have a child and to be there for your child, you'd have to watch what you do or what you say to people. You might not be this fortunate next time." He said. It was a warning.

I couldn't say a word back. He was right, I should consider my child before doing anything stupid. I have put her in so much discomfort as it is.

"I'd be leaving," I told him.

"Where would you go, as far as I am concerned no one would accept you to work for them... and you have no place to go."

I looked at him. He was liking this. He is the cause of everything happening. Maybe I should just ask for his forgiveness. And he'd stop bothering me.

"If you put it that way then yes." He said.

"Just know that if you leave this house... There's no shelter outside of here." He said rather arrogantly.

"There's shelter if you just leave me alone!"

"And why would I do that, you insulted me, a thing no one has ever done."

"Ugh! Fine! What do you want me to do? Kneel and plead with you?! Would that make you forget all this?"

"You're not helping the situation, miss."

I scoffed.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked calmly this time.

"I'd make you an offer."

Now he's making an offer?

"Be my assistant." He said.

I was expecting something bad you know. But first, he didn't want to offer me a job, how would I even know if this isn't a trap or something much worse.

I eyed him suspiciously. "First you didn't want to go me a job, now you want to?" I asked him.

"The job is not as easy as you think. You'd have to follow me everywhere I go.."

"And you think I'd accept that?" I asked sharply.

"Enough of the talking back at me, you seem to have forgotten who I am." He said.

"Fine," I said defeated.

Remembering what happened yesterday was enough to make me quiet, if something like that happens again, there might be no one to save me. And I might be endangering Carrie's life.

"Good, you can come out later to sign the papers." He said leaving the room.

I sighed frustratingly.

I went back to where Carrie was, she was already awake. She sat up in the small bed, I carried her from the bed.

"Good morning mommy." She said. I smiled at her.

"Good morning. Now let's go take a bath." I told her, that all I wanted to do was to protect her.

There was a door 2 feet away from her door. This room was huge. We went inside.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"At a friend's house," I told her while cleaning her. Soon we were done, I wrapped her in a small towel.

Where was my bag? I spotted it in a corner, I went there, I brought out one of her gowns, it was pink.

I dresses her and made her hair. Then went to do my own. Soon we were done.

"Stay here, mommy would go look for food okay?"

"Hmm" she replied nodding her head.

I went out.

Wow, everywhere was beautiful and everything looked expensive. I was walking trying to look for that man.

How would I see him in a place like this? I walked for a couple of minutes before I saw the kitchen. There was no way I was going to touch his food.

The kitchen was spacious, it was really big, and the utensils were sparkling.

I left the kitchen looking for the front door. I have to be quick before Carrie starts looking for me.

I was opening every door until I reached a door, I looked inside. Woe, just wow.

I stepped in, locking the door behind me. I've never seen a room as beautiful as this. Just then a door inside the room opened.

Oh no.

I quickly hide behind the door. Then I saw him. He was in nothing but a towel.

He is smoking hot! Seriously! Oh god! What was I thinking!?

He was about to pull the towel, my eyes widened an

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