Gon X Meruem

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A/n: Gon is older than Meruem so I have no qualms on writing this one. :)

Gon looked over at the King emotionlessly; he was expecting to see Neferpitou by his side but to his consternation, he was with Netero-Sama and another older man.

And by his side, he could practically feel Killua's confusion as his best friend momentarily froze.

He probably recognized the older man and although Gon was itching to ask, he couldn't allow himself to be distraction with such a strong enemy in front of them.

It wasn't smart to move your eyes away from an opponent, especially one as strong as he believed the Chimera Ant King to be.

He broke out of his thoughts as he heard Killua's muted gasp and focusing once more on the three men on the other side, the reason was easy to guess.

The King... He was looking right at Gon. A Neutral expression on his face as he stared into Gon's eyes.


Gon was pretty certain that if Netero-Sama was the one who had to face the King then he himself would certainly be no match for him so why was he staring at him and was that a look of intrigue?

His eyes twitched as Killua moved closer to him, his train of thought probably heading in the same direction as his.

He released a soft sigh as the King fully turned to look at him.


Gon's eyes widened briefly but he regained his composure seconds later. "You look... familiar."

He frowned at that. He had never met or seen the King until today so how could he recognize Gon? "I don't know you."

The King's eyes briefly narrowed and at his side, Killua moved into a defensive position, trying to slip in front of Gon.

Gon on the other hand remained still, eyes locked with the King who in a move surprising them but probably not Netero-Sama and his friend, he appeared in front of Gon and Killua.

Killua's hand gripped Gon's jacket and before he could pull him away, the King's tail... stinger, whatever shot out and curled around his neck, keeping him in place. "My business is not with you."

His eyes stayed locked with Gon's and before the boy could react, the King raised his hand and placed it under his chin. "I recognize you... How?"

How was he supposed to answer that? He had never met the King in his life so he had no plausible explanation to give him. Not to mention, why hadn't he moved?

Why hadn't he moved away before the King could out them in such a comprimising position?

The answer came to him a second later.

He had moved too fast for even Gon's superhuman senses to react in time. He hadn't even noticed him standing in front of him until it was too late and at his side, Killua wasn't any better but his reaction was more faster than Gon's.

"Your fight isn't with the youngsters!" Netero-Sama called out. "I've shown you decency by not attacking when your... friend was injured. I assume that I can expect the same in return?"

The King's face didn't even shift. His attention was captured by Gon. His hand began moving from Gon's chin and slowly but surely towards his lower lip. "I know you... But how?"

Gon frowned momentarily before his expression cleared when the King tilted his head up; he focused entirely on the being infront of his face and not where Killua was struggling to release himself from the King's hold. "I don't know you and that's the truth," he spat, wincing slightly when the finger on his lip applied force, pinching automatically as if to rebuke him.

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