Killua x Shalnark

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Killua scowled as the crying continued.

Couldn't he get a fucking break?!

He had suffered for nine months and an additional two days before that little brat was born and as much as he loved his son, even he needed a break sometimes.

He didn't know how that blond bastard had managed to convince him to go through this in the first place but he was miserable.

There were noticeable dark circles around his eyes  from the expected sleepless nights and he didn't even bother to dress up anymore because he was always tired and he didn't care that he looked like a mess.

"Killua?! Why aren't you checking on baby Shal?!"

Killua stomped his feet in annoyance before getting up from his comfortable seat on the couch. "I'm going! I'm going!"

He didn't receive an answer back and he really wished that he could wrap his hands around Shalnark's neck. The other man didn't help with anything except to keep Shal up and then passing him off to Killua when the baby was hungry, sleepy or he had pooped and was in need of a cleaning and a bathe.

Shal was still crying and he sounded like someone was beating his ass.

He sped up until he was standing over the crib with the flushed infant inside.

Shal looked like a spitting image of Shalnark and Killua grumbled about that. He was the one who carried the boy for nine months and suffered from a jungle of stretchmarks which he had made Nanika get rid of along with the excess baby fat.

Sure, he could've worked it off but with what time?! Shal took up every bit of his time and when Shalnark had him, Killua would use the time to get some much needed rest and binge eat.

If it was one thing that he hated about the pregnancy was the lactation part.

He was a man. Completely man but he was able to get get pregnant because of some discovered genetic mutation in their DNA and if that wasn't bad enough, he now had tits.

Not as big as a woman's, but noticeable enough and able to produce milk in practical bucket loads.

"Killua?! Why is Shannon still crying?!"

Oh right.

He carefully picked the crying baby up and pulled one side of his shirt down, careful not to drop him as he began wriggling in his hold while crying his head off.


His head snapped to the doorway where an angry Shalnark stood. "What the fuck is taking you so long to feed Shannon?"

He gestured to his current predicament anxiously and waited for Shalnark to calm down before he approached him and held baby Shal out to him.

Shal carefully took him and watched as Killua pulled his arm out of shirt before turning around and getting a damp cloth to wipe at his nipple and the surrounding area. "You would think that he's about to die," he couldn't help but mutter as Shannon's crying continued.

"What do you expect? He's hungry and he can't damn well get up and fed himself."

He smartly didn't reply and instead placed the cloth down and held his arms out for the red-faced baby. His voice was already going hoarse and Killua was sure that most babies would normally tire themselves out and fall asleep but not Shannon L Sharunaku Ryūseigai... That was the other man's actual last name as far as he was aware and it was the name that he wanted Shal to carry with pride.

As Shalnark rested him in his arms, he positioned Shal's face at his nipple and waited for him to latch on.

Killua winced and Shal released soft whimpers as he fed from his 'Mama.'

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