Meruem x Shaiapouf

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Shaiapouf didn't even bother turning around when he heard the door to their flat open before closing.

He was finally back and it was- he looked down at his watch... 5 hours later.

He left at 3pm and now it was 8:23pm.

"Why haven't you turn the lights on?"

He ignored the question and continued to stare at the black screen of the telly. He didn't owe him an answer. Let him go back to that retarded bitch that he had been seeing for the past few weeks.

Shaia had followed him the other day to a care home for disabled people and saw him with that girl... no, that woman. It wasn't as if she was more beautiful than Shaia, Gods no. She couldn't even control her own bodily functions so he didn't understand what Meruem saw in her.

Was Shaiapouf that boring to Meruem? Was their sex life lacking? Was conversation with him boring? What was it? What the fuck had he done that Meruem would look at that... that thing?!


He heard his boyfrie- or was it his Ex now? He didn't know, but he heard him coming closer until he stood just behind the couch where Shaiapouf was sitting.

He didn't react. What could he do? It was quite obvious from the tender look he had seen on Meruem's face when talking to the woman that he had already lost. He had never spoken to him that tenderly... Matter-of-fact, almost all interactions between them had been rough even when having sex.

Meruem was never tender with him except for that one time when he and their friend Menthuthuyoupi gave him a blood transfusion when he got into a car accident.

Other than that, Meruem hadn't changed his behaviour towards him and now, seeing him behaving like that towards that woman was rather telling.

"Shaiapouf!" He had finally gotten annoyed at his lack of response and within seconds, he jumped over and onto the couch before plopping down next to a still motionless Shaia. "What's wrong?"

"What do you want?" he muttered, not even turning to look at him.

He was loyal. He was devoted to Meruem and still... It wasn't enough. He had never so much as looked at another man ever since they started dating.

So why? Why is his life falling apart at the seams? What did that woman have that he didn't?

As far as he was concerned, he was way more beautiful, he wasn't handicapped, he w- "Shaiapouf?"

Meruem wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close, burying his nose in Shaiapouf's neck. "What's the matter? What happened while I was gone?"

He bit his lip and tears came to his eyes.

Meruem was never this gentle with him. Was his visit to that woman the reason? Has his happiness yet to fade into the person that Shaia always knew him as?

What was he thinking? It was the only plausible explanation.

He opened his mouth, failing to think of something to say. What was there for him to say?



What could he say? Was there even a reason for him to try and fight for their relationship?

He had seen more emotion in Meruem since started seeing that woman those weeks ago than the two years they had been together.

"Please," he choked out, tears streamed down his cheeks. "Leave me a... alone. Don't touch me." His voice broke off into a whisper and seconds later, his body began shaking with sobs. "Leave me alone! Don't touch me! Leave me... alone..." He repeated those same words over and over again, stunning Meruem who was left confused at his lover's behaviour.

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