Killua X Feitan

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A/n: 17 yr old Killua

Killua gripped his Yo-Yos tightly as his eyes stayed locked on Feitan and Phinks.

"I thought you guys were leaving us alone."

Phinks grinned and shrugged. "Oh, we are... Well, I am but I think Feitan has other plans."

Killia stiffened and eyed the Raven haired man warily. He knew that out of the two of them, Feitan was probably the most dangerous and while Phinks isn't anything to scoff about, he had already said that Feitan was the one with the problem.

"Such as what?" he kinda felt that he would regret asking but it was the quickiest way to get information from these guys.

They weren't very forthcoming as far as he was aware so it was best to ask them outright.

Phinks smirked and backed away from them so that Killua was only facing Feitan. "Now that's a good question. Why don't you tell him, Feitan?"

The aforementioned guy huffed and pushed his hands deeper in his pockets. "There's no reason to tell him anything."

"Eh?" Phinks looked taken aback at his reply before he began laughing. "Don't tell me that you're planning on raping the kid."


Killua's eyes widened and his grip on the Yo-Yos tightened. "What?!"

Feitan sighed and glared at Phinks for a moment before looking back at Killua. "Don't get your panties on a bunch. I don't plan on forcing you into anything. I still have a bit of morals."

'Well that's a fucking relief! But I still don't know what you want.'

Despite his words, Killua remained tense. There was no way that he was gonna lower his guard around these two.

"Looks like he's still confused. Maybe I should put him out of his own misery." Phinks yawned and stretched his arm by rotating it.

Feitan didn't reply, his eyes locked with Killua's who looked seconds away from trying to make an escape. "Don't. It's my business."

"Then spit it out before the kid tries to escape."

A snort was his reply but nevertheless, Feitan straightened and removed his hands from his pockets, putting Killua on high alert.

'What? Does he want to fight?'

"Go on a date with me, brat."


Killua looked shocked at his words. His mind was in a tumble but his body remained tensed and ready to react at any second.

'A d-d-date?! With a Spider?! Kurapika would probably use his chains on me.'

"Looks like a solid no to me, Fei," Phinks snickered.

Killua wished that he would keep his trap shut right now because he wasn't in a tight predicament.

Did Feitan handle rejection well?

Either way, that was one thing he didn't want to find out right about now.

He could either accept the offer and go out with the Spider, earning Kurapika's wrath but allowing his life to continue or reject his offer and possible have him slice him up six ways to Sunday and turn his meat chunks into crisp.

Honestly, it wasn't that hard of a decision to make considering his position.

He remembered the last time trying to escape Phinks and having the man lock onto his ankles. He ended up losing skin trying to escape so he didn't really want a repeat.

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