Gon x Shaiapouf

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A/n: Magic setting. Witch/Wizard.

Gon rolled his eyes and looked away from the piercing eyes observing his every move.

"Doesn't he ever get tired of being creepy?" he muttered lowly, side-eying the man once more before looking back at his computer.

At his side, his bestfriend Killua snorted and looked up from where he had been playing some Simulation game.

"He probably just likes you, bro." He smirked at Gon then turned back to his game. "Maybe you worked some Black magic on him when you kissed him since he's so obsessed with you now."

Gon scowled and rolled his eyes. "It was an accident and Black Magic is forbidden. Do you want to get me executed or something? Because I'll drag your ass into it along the way."

Killua grunted and slammed his laptop shut. "These devices are so fucking hard to control, how do those Normies do it?"

"I'm sure that if they knew that we could use Magic that they'll say the same thing," he drawled evenly.

Killua eyed him weirdly. "What's up with you?"

"Has everything that I said gone through one ear and out of the next?" Gon glared at him then looked back at the man to see him still openly staring at him; he blushed at the intense stare then looked back at a grinning Killua. "What?" he snapped irritably.

Killua snickered. "Why don't you give him a chance? He seems like a cool guy."

"So, I should be the one who mans up to introduce myself?" Gon snorted and looked back at his laptop before slamming it shut and pushing it over to Killua's, causing both electronics to knock against one another. "I'm tired of that shit."

His friend chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "And what's wrong with that? You could also put in some effort."

"If he wants me, he has to come to me, not the other way around. Plus, he's a Senior and you know how most of them think with their dicks," he intoned, making it his business not to look back at the older guy.

Killua groaned at his stubborn friend. "Since when are you so damn stubborn?"

"Since I became your friend," he replied dryly.

Gon then pulled his Wand out and tapped the table twice. A menu immediately popped up and he ordered Shrimp Pasta Alfredo. "You want anything?" he looked up at Killua expectantly.

The other boy shrugged. "I don't know. Just order the same for me but have the seafood mixture."

Gon nodded and selected it along with two energy potions; he then exited the menu and placed his Wand back in its Holster. "So as I was saying..." He ignored Killua's groan. "He keeps staring at me as if that's gonna make a difference. Frankly, it's getting annoying."

Killua rolled his eyes at him and sighed. "Well, I don't know what to tell you," he said with a shrug. "I never had to go through something like this. Every guy who's ever been interested in me just came right up to me and flirted." His eyes flickered at the memories before he turned back to Gon with a grin. "But then again, I'm pretty approachable. All I'm looking for is a good time."

"Well, I would hope that you aren't stupid enough to cheat on me Killua," drawled a low, baritone voice.

Both of their heads snapped up to see Chrollo looking down at them, an inscrutable look on his face as he eyed a now nervous Killua.

Said guy cleared his throat and sat down. "O-Of course not. I'm just saying to Gon..." he trailed off and made space for his boyfriend to sit.

Gon barely stopped himself from snickering; he instead watched as Chrollo pulled Killua into a steamy kiss, making sure that it was passionate enough that Killua's lips were bruised when they pulled apart.

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