Gon x Shalnark

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A/n: Warning! Sad/Delusional/Mentally sick/Gon.

Surrounded by dusty books and silence, it really was no wonder that Gon was bored out of his skull. His bestfriend Killua was typing away on his phone to his boyfriend while Kurapika was struggling to placate his own possessive boyfriend over call. Leorio was at another table hitting on a girl in his business class and by the looks of it, it seemed to working.

Gon was the only one in their group who wasn't dating and it was freaking annoying and not to mention, lonely as hell.

Kurapika was dating one of the most popular guys at College. His name was Kuroro Lucilfer or Chrollo as many knew him as and Gon didn't know how his blond friend did it.

From his meetings with Chrollo, the man was overbearingly possessive and when he was around, none of them could so much as hug Kurapika without having Chrollo ready to skin them alive.

Kurapika was already used to it and if the sounds coming from his room when Chrollo's over is any indication, he didn't mind it one bit.

Killua on the other hand was dating this creepy model named Hisoka. Most of the time, the guy was seen in a hot clown getup but when he wasn't, even Gon could admire how handsome he actually was and unlike Chrollo, he wasn't a complete stick-in-the-mud.

Although, he seemed to be one of those bdsm weirdos if the marks littering Killua's pale skin were any indication. Gon didn't like hanging around him much because he was overly flirty and no matter how much he complained to Killua, his bestfriend would just shrug and say that was how his boyfriend was.

To think that such a guy was a famous Model baffled Gon but what could he do? Stranger things have happened.

Leorio was a free spirit. He rarely dated anyone but recently, he had begun to show an interest in this Transgender girl named Kite.

Gon knew Kite when she was a boy but after her transition, he didn't really talk to her much. She was too busy studying like mad to be a Psychiatrist or something and tended to try and analyse everyone who talked to her.

Leorio was obviously running because he was flirting with that bonehead, Hina.

Gon hadn't recognized her without her hat but it was pretty obvious now that it was her. What the heck was Leorio even thinking? He knew that Hina was in a relationship with that meathead Leol and that the bastard would gut him like a fish if he found him messing around with his girl. But oh well, Leorio was old enough to know that actions have consequences.

But enough about other people, Gon needed help for his lack of a love life. He was fucking nineteen years old and the only one in his group who hadn't lost their virginity yet. Not to mention, he was in College so one would think that he would've lost it by now.

Truth of the matter was, he was saving himself for someone. It sounded ignorant but there was one guy that Gon was saving himself for and all that he had to do was try and get his attention.

Which sounded harder than one would think.

His name was Shalnark and he was a fucking blond bombshell. He was part of the College wrestling team and one of the best even if he got in based on his own merits and not a Scholarship.

He was bigger than Gon in everyway but not like one of those nasty looking, steroid using, gym addicted guys were. He was perfect as far as he could tell but unfortunately, he was one of those popular guys and to make it worse, he always travelled in a group known as the Phantom Troupe and which Kurapika's creepy boyfriend Chrollo was the apparent leader.

From what Gon had heard, they all had some type of special skills which put them a cut above everyone else and he even heard they were professional thieves which was outrageous because Kurapika was one of those goodytwoshoes and if he was still dating Chrollo then there was obviously no fact to the rumours, right?

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