Killua x Chrollo

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A/n: 18yr old Killua

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Killua yelled into Milluki's face, knocking his bag of chips to the floor.

Milluki looked down at his chips in despair before looking back at Killua with a glare on his face. "What the heck did you do that for?"

Killua clenched his fists and did his best to restrain himself from punching his brother.

"Why the fuck would you accept this contract?! And to make it worse, it's for me!" Killua didn't know what the fuck had got through Milluki's thick skull when he had accepted this offer.

"I don't see what the big deal is, it's just a job."

"Just a... Just a fucking job?!" Killua choked and began pacing up and down the vast hallway, not even paying attention at the incoming form of their Grandfather Zeno.


He paused and looked at his Grandfather with a conflicted look on his face. "Grandfather."

"What seems to be the problem?"

Killua sighed and leaned back against the wall. "That fat bastard just accepted a contract for me without my say so."

Milluki bristled at the insult even as he crouched to get his bag of chips. "So what?! It's just another job!"

"Are you fucking stupid?! Did you even read the details before accepting just because of the payout?" Killua gritted his teeth and glared at him.

Milliku shrugged and stuffed his mouth with chips. "Not really. The payout is 30 billion Jenny so I don't see the problem."

His Grandfather sighed. "What are the details, Killua?"

Killua raked a hand through his hair and slid down the wall. "Chrollo. I'm supposed to be his bodyguard and eliminate every threat against him for five months."

Zeno hummed and his shoulders slumped as he sighed. "I see."

A sigh of exasperation left his lips and he rubbed a hand down his face. "What am I supposed to do? I've come this far without coming into contact with Chrollo and now I have to go and stay with him for five months. I can't breach or cancel the contract without it reflecting badly on us so what am I supposed to do? If I go to him there's a chance that I won't be coming back here and that scares me... It scares me..."

Milluki froze at Killua's words and for the first time since he blew up at him, he's finally realising that maybe this won't be another contract.

He didn't know what the deal was with this Chrollo fellow but his Grandfather seems to understand the severity of Milluki's bad judgement.

Couldn't he do anything right? Killua was obviously distressed for some reason and it was all his fault.

"What... What's the deal with this Chrollo?" he asked hesitantly, appetite diminished.

Killua frowned and rested his head back against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. "He's the leader of the Phantom Troupe. He massacred my friend's entire clan leaving only him alive and he's the one whose group killed the entire Mafia goons and their Shadow Beasts during the Underground auction those years ago. Conclusion, he's one of the worst type of criminal because he's very smart and tactical and not to mention, he's also my ex."

Milluki gaped at him in shock." What? How? If he's as bad as you say then how and why did you date him? Oh and before it slips my mind, since when are you gay?"

"Haven't you ever heard the saying Nice guys finish last? People are usually more attracted to the dangerous ones and not to mention, it doesn't matter who I fuck or who fucks me, as long as I get to fuck or get fucked. Also, it was meant to be a one off, but Chrollo wasn't satisfied with that and it eventually turned into a relationship."

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