Gon x Illumi

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Gon panted and dodged the needles thrown at him, using Ko to protect his arms from being broken by the Nen infused kick.

He landed in a tree only to jump away seconds later when Nen needles flew at him, sinking into the tree branch and causing it to splinter.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think that you were trying to kill me!"

He backflipped thrice before dashing to the side just as another barrage of needle were sent his way. But this time they were ordinary, non-Nen infused ones. Gon was confused for a second before he felt pain in his leg; he looked down with wide eyes to see three needles embedded in his thigh.

"Pay attention, Gon-kun. The enemy won't always fight fair. Be prepared for underhanded tactics," a low, baritone voice spoke.

Gon sighed and was about to pull the needles out when the voice began chiding him.

"And never assume that all attacks are as harmless as they appear."

'This is harmless?!'

Gon released an exasperated sigh and waited for the other man to remove his needles; he winced as they were slid out of him painstakingly slow. "Were those damn needles embedded in my freaking veins or something?" he complained, glaring at the taller man.

"Yes they were and if I was an enemy, you would be dead right now."

"Yeah, you're only one step away from being an enemy," he couldn't help but mutter, huffing at the stinging in his leg as the man cauterized his wounds so that he didn't bleed out. "Are we done for today?"

A reply instantly came. "Unfortunately. As I have prior arrangements, I'm afraid only four hours of training can be completed today unless you prefer to wait until I return or continue on your own. An additional three hours would be beneficial."

Gon rolled his eyes and stretched his body. "You wish. I'm not that fat and out-of-shape, Illumi. Give me a damn break," he huffed, side eyeing the taller man.

Illumi hardly blinked. "Your body should always be in shape lest an enemy get the best of you. Never let an injury keep you from training unless it's life threatening."

Gon grunted and popped his back before turning to look at Illumi. "Of course," he replied dryly, crossing his arms with a stubborn expression on his face. "I don't know what I was assuming to think differently. You know, for a split second, I thought that you would sympthasize with me seeing as you got me fucking pregnant! He gestured to his tummy which had yet to revert back to its previously flat state. "You ruined my body and if I didn't like Nanika so much, I would've blamed her too for listening to you. And speaking of, I thought that only Killua was allowed to get wishes. How did you manage it? Unless he helped you and if so, I'm gonna kill you both!"

Illumi didn't even appear to be bothered as Gon came right in his face to harp about this and that.

"And to make matters worse, your crazy mother wants my child to be an assassin! You both got another thing coming if you thi-" Gon's rant was cut off as Illumi slammed their lips together in an effort to silence him.

Non-violently... Lucky for him.

Gon moaned and immediately wrapped his arms around Illumi's neck; he began trying to climb the other man's body but failed because he refused to break their kiss.

Illumi simply lifted him up so that he could wrap his legs around him before Gon broke his back.

"Hmph!" He broke their kiss as a thought came to his head. "Illu? How long as you going to be away for?" he frowned and his arms tightened around Illumi's neck.

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