Louis wakes up with Harry under him. Memories from last night come back to him and he jolts up and off of Harry. He's pregnant with Harry's baby. He sees Harry wake up and look at him. "What's wrong Louis?" He places his hand on his stomach. Harry understands and motions him to sit on the bed. Louis listens and his eyes eyes water. "Lou...you're okay..." Louis shakes his head. "I-I'm having your b-baby..." Harry kisses him and Louis pulls away. "Harry...our life has changed so much..." "I know..." Louis smiles and they get up. They get dressed and go to the kitchen.

They see the others already up and when they see Louis it seems like everything gets awkward. Louis can feel it. They all sit at the table with their breakfast. He looks at Zayn and Zayn casts his eyes down. Louis feels like he's not welcomed. He gets up and leaves the hotel room. He goes outside and goes to some shops.

Back at the hotel Harry looks at them. "Why're you guys so cold to Louis now?" "He's 16, he's practically still a boy...he's pregnant and he gonna be a mother...men and boys aren't supposed to get pregnant..." Harry looks at Zayn after he's finished. Zayn laughs and says, "Maybe he had a sex change......" Harry stand up and grabs Zayn's shirt collar. "Don't talk about Louis like that." "Why not...he's the one who stopped talking to us..." "He was in an abusive relationship..." "How would you know?" "Because his partner was Nick." Zayn looks at him and glares. "Maybe you abuse him now too." Harry punches Zayn and leaves to find Louis. Harry looks around for him.

He finds him looking at some cute pastel clothes. He goes over and places a hand on his bum and covers his eyes. "Hey cutie..." Louis squirms and tries to get away. Harry plays with him some more. "Coming home with me tonight..." Louis' breathing picks up and he has tears running down his cheeks. Harry stops messing with him and hugs him. "You're okay Lou...it's just me." Louis grabs onto Harry's shirt and cries. Harry carries him back to the hotel and they ignore the others and go to their room. Harry lays Louis down and Louis looks at Harry. "w-why're they being so cold to me?" "Because you're having our baby..."

Louis nods and looks at Harry and remembers everything the kids used to say to him. He makes a decision and waits until they all go to sleep. He gets up in the middle of the night and packs his suitcase. He wipes his eyes and looks at the rings. He wipes his eyes and zips up his suitcase. He opens the bedroom door and quietly closes it. He turns around and sees Zayn. He jumps and sees him walk over. Louis looks down. Zayn places a hand on Louis' shoulder. "Where're you going?" "A-away..." "Why?" "No no wants me here..." "That's not true..." "Yous are being cold to me because I'm having a baby..."

"Louis, it's different for everyone here, we've never been around someone who's having a baby and now that we are, we don't know what to do. We don't know what to do around someone who is having a kid." Louis looks at him and his eyes fill. "Still..." Zayn wraps his arms around him. "Are you really running away..." "Why can't I?" "Harry'll miss you and he gave you the ring set because he loves you..." Louis nods and wraps his arms around Zayn. They hear a door open and Louis is pulled away from Zayn. "What're doing with Louis?" Zayn glares at him. "Nothing. He was getting ready to leave." Harry turns around and sees the suitcase and Louis fully dressed.

He looks at Louis' hand and still sees the rings. He smiles at that and turns to Zayn. "Just stay away from him, you don't want him around yous anyway." Louis looks at Zayn. Harry grabs the suitcase and brings it back into the room. Louis lowers his head and goes into the bedroom. That night Zayn hears screams coming from the bedroom and worries about Louis. He's only sixteen. Zayn sleeps that night with a pillow over his head.

~ Morning

Zayn, Niall, Liam and Harry are at the table eating breakfast. Zayn worries about Louis. Louis comes out of the bedroom, looking fine. He just stands leaning against the door frame. He looks down with his arms crossed. Zayn gets up and goes over to Louis. He pushes him gently into the bedroom. They sit on the bed. Louis curls his knees up to his chest. "What happened last night?" Louis starts sobbing and Zayn wraps his arms around him. "It's okay...you can tell me..." "he usually asked me for my consent...he didn't...he asked me when we were drunk and he still asked me. H-He raped me...again..." Zayn rubs his back and leaves to find Harry.

He's still sitting at the table. Zayn goes over and pulls him aside. "What did you do to Louis?!" "He's my boyfriend so I had sex with him last night ...rough fast sex..." "You didn't ask for consent...he said you'd always ask for it even if you guys were drunk and wasted." Harry looks away. "So what, He's sixteen...he can't choose if he leaves for not." Harry pushes Zayn away and goes to the bedroom. He goes to sleep thinking of how close Louis and Zayn are.

~ 3 days after the first incident. Harry's jealousy and anger flared up again.

When Harry goes in the bedroom. Louis is sleeping. Harry gets an idea and uncovers him. He's completely naked and he strips. He hovers over Louis and brings the blanket over him to cover them. He roughly fucks Louis. Louis wakes up from the intrusion and cries. He screams from the pain and looks up to see Harry. "Y-you loved m-me H-Harry..." Harry doesn't stop. Louis remembers the words and screams the word. "Harry...RED!...please...red..." Harry stops everything. "Lou..." "I'm only sixteen...I will report to the police...." Harry shakes his head. "I'm sorry...it's just I'm jealous of you and Zayn. I took it out on you." 

Louis covers himself with a blanket. "C-can we go back to just friends..." Harry looks at him. "But we're having a baby together..." Louis nods. "Fine...let's go back to before we went on vacation." Harry nods and kisses him. Louis kisses back and tangles his hands in Harry's curls. Harry moans and Louis smiles. "Love you." "Love you too." "Can you wear something for me please...only around me?" Louis nods. Harry stands up and slips on a pair of boxers. He holds up a very short plaid skirt and Louis blushes. "Just around me..."  Louis nods and gets up. He takes the skirt and heads to their bathroom. He pits it on and then slips on his rose gold silk robe. 

He exits the bathroom and sees Harry. He blushes and sees Harry locking the door. "Show me..." Harry goes over and pulls the string that's holding it together. Louis keeps it closed. Harry wraps his arms around Louis. "You're okay, you don't have to..." Louis nods. He keeps the robe closed and Harry kisses him. "Get changed and we're heading home." Louis nods. He goes to his closet letting the robe slip past his shoulders but still covering him. He picks up a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. He closes the robe and makes his way to the bathroom. He changed and hides the skirt within his robe and packs them. Everyone packs and they go to the private plane.

Louis sees something different about this plane. He opens a door and sees beds. He feels someone behind him. He tuns around and sees Zayn. He jumps and steps back. Zayn smiles and wraps his arms around Louis' waist. "How can Harry get so lucky..." Louis whimpers and covers his tummy protectively. Harry walks in and growls at him. "Leave him alone Zayn." Zayn listens and lets him go. He leaves and Harry looks at Louis. "You okay?" Louis nods.  "Getting on the bed." Louis gets on the bed.  Harry lock the door.Harry smiles and look at the boy on top of him. "That was great..." Louis is still breathing heavily. Harry puts a pair of boxer son Louis for the night. "You know I love you...right?" He nods and they fall asleep.

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