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Louis wakes up and gets dressed and decides to see what Niall's up to. He sees them in the other part of the plane and Zayn and Liam are still sleeping. "Morning Niall." "Morning Louis...how was last night?" Louis blushes and looks away. He's never been asked so forward like that. "I-It was good...the baby's making me sick but I'm good...you?" "Good..." Louis nods and goes to the bathroom. He has Harry's number in his phone after getting a phone. He smiles and blushes at an idea. He sends Harry a picture of him with his pants pulled down a little. He smiles. He's embarrassed but it's too Harry. There's a knock on the bathroom door and Louis pulls his pants up.

He opens it and sees Harry. "Harry..." "Nice picture..." Louis blushes and hides in Harry's chest. Harry pushes him back to see his face. He sees his face very red and big hot tears streaming down his face. "You okay?" Louis shakes his head. "Why?" Harry tilts his head up again. "You weren't ready were you?" Louis shakes his head and wipes his eyes. Harry kisses him. "It's okay...I didn't expect these from you...you're only 16..." "Turning 17 soon..." "When?" "I-In a month..." Harry smiles. "What day?" "December 24th..." "Christmas eve!" Harry picks Louis up. "Almost a Christmas baby..." Louis smiles. "W-we gonna have a t-tree..." Harry nods.

"R-really..." "yeah." Harry brings Louis to the plane seats and they sit down. Louis looks out the window and smiles. "Harry...Look!" Harry looks out and smiles. "The first snow..." Louis shivers and gets up. "You okay?" Louis nods and goes to the bedroom. He changes into warm clothes and brings a blanket out with him. He cuddles up to Harry and falls asleep. Harry looks down and smiles. Zayn, Niall and Liam look over. Zayn walks over. "Baby's making him tired huh..." Harry looks at him and nods. Zayn smiles and sees the blanket falling off of Louis. He picks it up and covers Louis. Harry smiles and thanks Zayn. He brings Louis to his lap.

His knees on Harry's legs, chest against chest and Louis head in his neck. Harry smiles and falls asleep. The plane lands and Harry carries Louis inside the house. Louis wakes up and holds his stomach. "Okay?" Louis nods slowly. He feels a kick and his eyes widen. "C-can you make me a d-doctor's appointment?" "Why?" "The baby's kicking." Harry nods and makes an appointment. Harry sees Louis on the couch and sees how big his stomach is. "How far along are you?" "Don't know." "Your appointment is at 5...today." Louis nods and looks at the time. 4:50. He gets up and they drive to the doctor's. They look at Louis' stomach and the doctor smiles.

"Congratulations! You're 7 months pregnant." Louis looks at him. "W-what?" "You're 7 months along. Age and father?" "I-I'm 21 and he's the father." Louis looks down and bites his lip. "Congrats on the baby." Harry and Louis leave. "You lied back there..." "I'm only 16...you'd get in trouble..." Harry nods and kisses him. "Can't wait until you're officially 18..." "Why?" "Your rings..." "Zayn told me...and yes...I'll marry you when I turn 18..." "We don't have to right away..." Louis nods and smiles. They drive home and the others are there. "We came over but you guys were gone." Zayn looks at Louis' stomach. "You're a lot bigger than I thought you were..."

Louis looks down and whimpers. "Lou, it's because of the baby...sorry if it came off wrong." Louis nods and goes to the bedroom. He locks the door and strips. Harry's gonna leave him for another. He wipes his eyes and gets dressed in something comfortable. He leaves and Harry talking on the phone. "yeah...thanks see you there tomorrow... yeah thanks for doing this...I need it...he's gonna be surprised to find out." Louis hears this and goes back to the room and lays in the bed under the covers. There's a knock and Harry opens the door. "Lou?" "Y-Yeah?" Louis looks away as his voice cracks. "I have a surprise for you...tomorrow..."

Louis nods and they lay down. After a long day of doctor's and flying in a plane, they're jet lagged and fall asleep. Louis looks at Harry. He knew it wasn't a good idea to fall for this man... He cries himself to sleep thinking Harry doesn't hear the cries. He does and tightens his hold on Louis. "You okay?" "Y-You're gonna leave me..." Harry kisses his neck. "Never..." Louis nods and falls asleep.

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