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Louis hears the name and listens. "What are you doing here?" "Well, I was the runner up in the essay contest a few years back and thought I could live here since Louis is gone." Louis looses his voice and listens. "How do you know about that, we haven't made it public yet." Louis grips onto the blanket and Zayn comforts him. 

Zayn leans down and Louis and Zayn whisper to each other. "Is this the kid?" Louis nods. "I'm s-supposed to be d-dead..." "I'm going out there, stay here and relax, I'm gonna tell Harry in private. I'll also lock the door." Louis nods and Zayn leaves the room. He pulls Harry aside and they speak quietly. 

"This is the kid who almost killed Louis, Louis's supposed to be dead and Nick's supposed to take his place." "Well, he's not taking his place." Harry goes over to Nick. "Leave this house. You're not welcomed here..." "Why, want to forget about our past?"  "Louis told me all about you and how you were." 

"He doesn't deserve any of this. He gets t he money and fame. This should be my life not his, he's a no good fag got who deserve to die." Two big guys come in and take Nick out. Harry goes to the bedroom and sees the door locked. "Lou, can I come in?" 

Louis stands up and unlocks the door. Harry goes in and shuts the door. Harry kisses him and they land on the bed. Louis pushes Harry away and Harry gives him a confusing look. "N-not after t-the attack...please." Harry nods and lays beside him. "I miss the old home." Harry looks at him. 

"That's why I let you pick this one. It was supposed to be your home for when I'm away but that didn't go as planned." Louis gives him a small smile. Then he remembers that he was the one who was supposed to protect their baby. Harry sees Louis and knows. "It's not your fault..." "It is..." Harry hovers over him. 

"No, it's not, you wanted to get out of the house and Nick attacked you, he's jealous of you..." "Why....look at me, I'm nothing..." Harry looks at him and kisses him. "You're everything." Louis smiles and they fall asleep. Zayn walks in the room and sees them sleeping. He covers them and leaves. Louis cuddles up to Harry and they sleep but not peacefully knowing Nick is doing something about them being together. 

Louis wakes up a little later and sees Harry sleeping with him. He sits up and curls up. Harry shouldn't want him, he should be dead right now with Nick filling the empty void. Harry wakes up and sees Louis crying silently on the bed. He sits up and hugs Louis. "Don't cry..." "I'm a horrible boyfriend..." Harry pulls him to his lap. "Listen, you're fine." Louis nods and feels Harry kissing him. He smiles and kisses back.


Louis steadies his breathe and turns to Harry. "t-that was great, Love you Harry." "Love you too Lou..." Louis smiles and they fall asleep.

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