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Louis wakes up and sees the hotel room. He stirs awake and sits up. He sees Harry in the other bed and goes over. He shakes him. "Harry?" "What?" "What time is it?" "Look on your phone." Louis looks at his phone and it's five in the morning. "C-can I lay with you?" Harry pushes over and Louis gets in the bed with him. "I had the weirdest dream..." "Tell me when I'm more awake..." Louis nods and kisses his cheek. Louis feels his stomach's bigger but They fall back to sleep.


Louis wakes up and goes to the bathroom. It's locked. "Be out in a minute." The door opens and Louis sees Zayn. "Morning Louis." "Morning Zayn..." "You okay?" "Not really...had a weird dream..." "It's just a dream..." Louis goes in the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He exits the bathroom and goes to his room and changes into a casual outfit. Harry sits up and smiles. "Hey, Louis?" "Yeah?" "Come here..." "What?" Harry wraps his arms around him. "Wanna talk about your dream?" "No...it was really weird..." "It's okay..." Louis nods and they go to the kitchen. Harry sees Louis biting his lip and looks at him. "Yes Lou?" "C-can we get a pet?" Harry nods.

"What kind..." "A German Shepherd puppy..." "Just one?" Louis nods. "Let's go." They leave and go to the adoption centre. Louis sees a cute little Shepherd puppy and goes over. "Haz..." He looks up and Harry's looking at another one. He looks over and sees a fully white Shepherd puppy. "Are we just getting one?" Louis looks at him with hopeful eyes. "We can get both." Louis smiles and they adopt them. Louis and Harry get in the car with the dogs and Louis is so excited. "I've always wanted a puppy..." Harry smiles and kisses him. "Hey, you okay...you look tired..." Louis nods and rests his head against the window. 

As they drive, Harry sees a man tying up a puppy. He pulls over after the name is gone and she limps over. She sits and he looks at her paw. he already knows. He unties her and helps her into the car. They get home and Harry carries the puppies and Louis in the house. Louis opens his eyes and opens the crate with the puppies in it. "What are their names?" "You can name the white one..." Harry smiles and picks the pup up. "Blue.." Louis smiles and looks at the other one. He picks him up and cuddles him. "Finn..." Harry smiles. "Finn and Blue." Harry looks at Louis. "How about our kids names?" Louis freezes and blushes. "You want to think now?" 

Harry leaves and brings in the other German Shepherd. "Another one?" "Abandoned by her owner. "C-can we call her Ace?" Harry smiles and nods. He sets her down and gets her some gauze for her paw. He clean it and wraps it. She stands and licks his face. "So, we have Blue, Finn, and Ace." "Ace is the oldest." Ace sniffs the other two puppies and they bark at her and she goes into a playful stance. They bark at her and she runs around. They chase her. There's a knock and Ace starts barking at the door. The two younger ones follow suit and are barking as well. Harry holds Ace back and the puppies in his arms. 

Louis opens the door and sees Liam, Zayn and Niall. "Hey guys..." "Hey Louis...what's with the barking..." "We got-" Ace runs up at Zayn and barks. She stands on her hind legs and he pets her. "Friendly..." "Two more...this is Ace, then there's Blue, the white one, and Finn the triple coloured one." Harry sets Blue and Finn down and they run to Ace. Ace walks away. "I'm gonna run and get some pet supplies, okay Harry?" Harry nods. "Call if anything happens." Louis nods and leaves. 


Louis comes back with the supplies and sets them down. He goes to find Harry and finds him in the kitchen with the dogs and their friends. He goes over and wraps his arms around him. "You okay Lou?" Louis shakes his head. Harry carries him to their bedroom. "What happened?" "The store owner touched me when I asked for help. I went to call you and he hit the phone out of my hand....t-the phone b-broke...I'm sorry..." Harry lets Louis relax. "Get some rest, I'll let Ace in, okay?" "A-and Finn and B-blue..." Harry nods. "T-Thanks..." The dogs go in and Ace cuddles Louis. The puppies lay above his head and cuddle him. 

He cuddles them and covers himself and Ace. He falls asleep with their fur babies. Does Harry really want a baby with him? is all Louis thinks of all night.

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