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Alright so there's not really a need for me to do an introduction but I suppose my last one seemed bitchy so I'll try my best to come off less bitchy. I'll also be making a new book each year.

I'm Max_The_Trashcan, as you all should know by now unless you are new to my book(s). Ello newcomers. I'm female is pretty much the only personal detail I'll give probably. I do have a semi-"normal" life but there is a dark side to it. If you haven't read my last book you would understand which I would recommend if you haven't just so you could get caught up. I'll kinda sum it up though. There's been some real strange things that have progressively getting worse and more weirder by the day. I have to warn though that I have the mouth of a sailor if you couldn't tell already so you have been warned. That's pretty much all I have to say for now though so I suppose we'll continue the updates tomorrow if I have any. If you are queasy or you get creeped out/scared easily it's better if you just leave now.
You Have Been Warned

Unexplainable Experiences (2019)Where stories live. Discover now