December 23rd 2019

10 1 0

9:04am: I'm sitting in my room watching Simulacra and I got random, loud ringing in my left ear while my right ear completely lost its hearing. This also happened last night when I had to walk to get my little brother. It's been a while since this happened.

12:59pm: I'm sitting in the living room and I get a random call from Spokane from an unknown number. A voicemail was left but it was a second. It was shuffling around and some static but that's it.

4:12pm: I'm in the car on my way to my physical therapy session and I start to taste blood in the back of my throat. Awesome -_-

9:11pm: Well that was.... random. I just broke out into a random hive/itch. I'm not allergic to anything I know of nor do I know what I even touched but I washed my hands just in case it was something I touched. I've been having the ringing happen a lot today too. Something is wrong today. When I was also trying to enter this entry my phone tweaked out and opened to a random black screen so I backed out and it seemed to reset.

9:47pm: I feel sick. I'm going deeper into the rabbit hole. There's no turning back now. My phone is twitching even worse. He has many names.

Unexplainable Experiences (2019)Where stories live. Discover now