August 31st 2019

17 1 0

8:05pm: Hey Readers, didn't mean to ghost you guys. School just started back up though and I got Drivers Ed and all that. A lot of things have happened while I've been gone and I'm just trying to keep my last bit of sanity that I have left. Anywho, yeah I've been having headaches and that sort of stuff still happen. I've gotten back into watching watching SpookyRice so that doesn't help my thoughts. My twitching has been getting worse which isn't too surprising to me. I've been seeing things as usual even though they have been getting closer and closer as time goes on. Doesn't scare me anymore though. I accept it at this point. It's kinda funny. When people ask me where I see myself in the future I see no future for me. I'm NOT suicidal by any means I'm just saying that I don't think I have a good future. My updates should be slower since I got school. I'll update sometime.

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