June 13th 2019

16 1 0

12:11am: I was trying to go to sleep till I'm awoken by my dog barking in the damn house. Let me remind you it is pretty much midnight and my dog is in the dark, legit barking at something that is in my house. Scared me half to death when she barked. I wonder what she was barking at but I'm too tired to go look. I'll check tomorrow. Maybe.

10:00am: I was in the shower and when I looked down I saw almost what looked like horizontal burn mark streaks on my stomach. I can promise you that I never had anything that could burn me so I was extremely confused. I kept hearing something in my room last night though. I kept hearing creaking as if someone was walking since my house is creaky. I was way too tired to actually attempt to find it though.

10:15pm: This is obnoxious. I just replaced the rack that holds my curtains to find that it is broken. When I got done with my shower I came into my room, got dressed, then opened the curtains and my window just to find that the rack is bent as if the curtains were pulled. It wasn't broken last night and I know that I didn't pull on them in my sleep. Looks like someone tried to sneak into my room last night as well.

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