July 9th 2019

10 1 0

12:11am: Holy shit. It's already the 9th?! Time is going by so fast now. Every time I look at the clock it seems like it's a different day. The ringing has been getting louder but it has settled down slightly. I've still been needing my pills but not as much as usual. I don't believe that he doesn't know where I am though. I feel like he's just lying and waiting but for now I'll use this time to be productive. My left eye has been acting up really badly tonight to the point that it tears up to the extreme. It feels like it's being stabbed. Every night as well I feel as if something is impaled through my achilles and is being ripped or pulled very slowly. I've still been seeing shadows in the corners of my room but I'm used to it now. The new house I've moved into though is very very nice. Time to paint it to the desired color I want. I also think I found someone who is as fucked up as me. Just maybe.

5:18pm: When I went outside earlier today I immediately felt sick. My heat was buzzing and it felt like I was over heating. It's not even hot here. Now that I'm inside in my room though, planning out how to build a few things. I was listening to music and it sounds like muffled voices inside my right ear. My ears were vibrating. My music wasn't too loud though which I thought was odd. I'm running low on my pills too. I'm getting anxiety about it. I thought that I was safe for now but it was only the silence before the storm again. Even though I've been starting to have dreams again they are starting to slowly fade to black or turn into nightmares. This time though. I can't run to my friend's house. I'm alone for this fight.

5:23pm: Alright I've never had this happen before. I haven't tried to delete this either...

I do have WiFi and data on but for some reason nothing is loading

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I do have WiFi and data on but for some reason nothing is loading. This is kinda creepy but I like it. I don't understand why my electronics are freaking out this bad.

Unexplainable Experiences (2019)Where stories live. Discover now