March 29th 2019

31 2 0

7:54pm: Time feels like it's going by extremely fast. Minutes are passing by like seconds and I'm getting a huge headache. Someone has been stealing my pills again as well. This time a lot more than before have gone missing. Either I have been unconsciously taking them or someone has been taking them. Last I remember there was at least half of the little bottle/container it's in. This is what I'm left with now. (Picture) I've been having a strong urge to go back outside as well. At night mostly. The crows/ravens have still been here. The coughing has came back which is shit honestly. These little series things that I'm doing as well will hopefully give me some more information.

8:00pm: So I'm rewatching 'Marble Hornets' cause it was a urge I suppose and as I was watching the video 'Advocate' when the static came on my vision went blurry and I felt as if I was going to black out as the static went on. Luckily I didn't though so that's good cause I probably would have done something bad if I had blacked out. My eyes hurt though and it's very strange.

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