Chapter 10

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"Oh yeah lion, do you mind telling me about the bank heist tonight?" Honey said with concern.

"Oh sure. What do you wanna know?" Lion said, as she followed Honey into the kitchen. Honey sat at the counter, whilst Lion searches the fridge for a drink.

"You legit don't have anything in your fridge that is edible. All I see in here are vegetables, fruit, meat and water. Where's the real food?" Lion complains.

"If you want all that, we can go to the store tomorrow, but right no. I need you to tell me about the heist and why you need that amount of money." Honey said with seriousness.

"Ok I'll tell you (Lion said as she sat down near Honey) we need the money to give to a local gang in town. Their only a small gang but their ruthless, that's why they are wanted . They said if we don't give them the money, then we will all disappear slowly and they'll make it look like and accident. We're going to heist the bank at about 11:00pm because that's when they close and everybody in town is away from that area." Tyler Mackenzie said as she tried to hold back the tears.
She composed herself and went to get a bottle of water.

" the gang you owe money to, know that your all going to rob a bank tonight?" Honey said, as she looked at Tyler with concern.

"Yes they do... why are you asking?" Tyler Mackenzie said. Then Honey pieced it all together.

"I'm saying this because I know your being set up, so that they can get you arrested instead of them!" Honey slammed the table.

"WHAT!" Tyler shouted as she had finished processing what Honey just said.

"We need to save them and take that other gang down...Lion what time is it?" Honey said as she paced back and forth, thinking of a plan to save them.

"It's 10:30! We only have thirty minutes to tell them that they have been set up." Lion said.

"Call all of them and tell them they have been set up and give me the address of where this gang is. I'm out for blood." You could see the rage in Honey's eyes. She wasn't her calm self anymore.

Ten minutes later:

"Honey I've called nearly everybody, but Dragonfly isn't answering my calls." Lion said, almost panicking.

"She needs to answer or she's going to fucking jail." Honey snapped.
She paced even faster holding her head in frustration.

🌜Honey's PoV 🌛

I need back up, but I really don't wanna call him, but I guess I have to if I wanna save their dumbasses.

I dial the phone "Hello dad. I found the gang who owes you money...send Blud I need backup."

I have a new character for ya'll. meet:

• Blud Aka Dominic Harrison •

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Blud Aka Dominic Harrison

A character from Honey's past what trouble is he going to bring and how crazy is he.

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