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The night was cold and silent, much too silent for the normal human being. Not many wondered into Fanhorn forest, for it was said to be an accursed forest; full of darkness and creatures you'd only find in a nightmare. A cloaked figured strode through the forest, making no sound as the cloak dragged the gound. They walked until they reached a clearing, where no trees stood to block the cold light of the full moon. For a moment, they stood; unmoving, the cloak flapping in the breeze. A sudden rustling in the trees broke the silence, and something giant burst from the darkness; snarling as it came. It was a warg, a giant dog-like creature that served as steeds for orcs. Aboard this warg, however, was no ordinary orc. This was a giant orc, larger than a clydesdale horse, this was a Gundabad orc. The figure removed their hood to reveal a women with ruby red lips and a mane of dark hair that cascaded like a black waterfall over her shoulders.

"Your looking well, Gothafar," she said, her voice a clear bell.

"Sauron may be gone, but we are still strong!" the orc snarled, his voice horible and raspy; the sound that could make a child scream.

"Maybe, but not strong enough to defeat the armies of Middle Earth!" the women snapped.

Gothafar's expression flashed of suprise,

"You did not summon me for just any reason, did you, Witch?" he snarled.

A cold smile spread across the women's face, a smile that was planted by seeds of darkness.

"No, I did not."

She began to pace slowly, her dark eyes concentrating on the dark forest.

"I have an enemy, a quite...known and beloved enemy who is adored by most on this earth. She destroyed my name, and exhiled me hundreds of years ago. You know of whom I speak of."

Gothafar narrowed his eyes,

"I doubt it is wise to start a war with Arabia Wolf, especially with her new kingdom. If this is why you summoned me, then consider your time wasted, Morana Evaless.

"Let me finish, and your mind will be changed; I garentee it."

Morana flashed him a brilliant white smile, and Gothafar released a low growl but remained silent.

"Arabia Wolf has had children, twins, not an hour ago. Middle Earth is in celebration."

A roll of her eyes suggested that she did not find this ammusing.

"But they will not be celebrating for long."

Gothafar was unimpressed,

"And what are you planning to do? Kidnap her children?" the words brought a dark gleam in his eyes.

"No. Not yet," Morana replied, a glint in her eyes.

Gothafar cocked his head to one side, his neck emitting a snap.

"I'm listening."

"Right now every kingdom in the world is on high alert, one of her twins is a girl, that means a new Nature Queen for this world. It would be foolish to try and take her, but you have thousands of millions of orcs. You overrule them in number, and-"

"I am not sending my orcs after some she-elf!" Gothafar hissed.

"No, but you can pretend to."

Gothafar's expression was puzzled, and Morana smirked as she continued.

"For the next thirteen years, you can send your orcs to attack all the kingdoms constantly so that our enemy thinks we are searching for something. It's a fool's errand to take the child now, but she won't be protected forever; she will eventually be out on her own, and that is when I will pounce."

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